"He couldn't even remember me": Trump has "severe memory issues," says author who interviewed him

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 263 points –

Ramin Setoodeh, co-editor-in chief at Variety, said he did an hour long sit-down interview with Trump

A few months later, Setoodeh met with Trump again... Trump had "no recollection of our lengthy interview,"

Setoodeh said. "As the journalist who spent the most time with him,"

Yeah, sure you are little buddy. Because no other journalist got more than 2 interviews. MF had Megan Kelly and Tucker on speed dial.

TFW you're really just a forgettable person.

I have questioned Trump's cognitive abilities. He's definitely declined mentally over the last 30 years.

But you're absolutely right on this. These people meet hundreds or thousands of people daily and do lots of interviews. It's not surprising at all.

Maybe you have a memory as bad as Trump's, because if I spent two hours with someone one-on-one and then saw them just a few months later, I'd remember them.

Here's what you're ignoring.

A good executive has a staff that reminds him of these things. Even if it was a brief meeting, Trump should have been aware that he'd had a sit down with them before.

Either Trump was reminded and forgot, or he's too incompetent to set up a basic system like this.


He wants the presidency to exonerate himself. That's it. He knows he's going to prison if he loses the election.

He has zero care or motivation to further the country once he's in power. He wants to save his own ass and his properties.

He has zero care or motivation to further the country once he’s in power. He wants to save his own ass and his properties.

Sadly, this is the best case scenario if he manages to win.

Senility and being a world-class narcissist will do that to a “man.”

Trump isn't asexual

He’s not a man either.

Well then is he a woman or nonbinary?

He's a barely-sentient blob of malice and burger fat.

He’s a little child. He’s not a man by classic definition because men have honor and integrity.

If he's an adult then he deserves every bit of criticism he's ever gotten. But if he's a child, then why are you picking on a little kid?

I always thought being a rapist was traditionally reserved for adults anyway.

Okay… we’re done here.

Can't stand to see me call Trump a rapist

ROFL! Know who you’re arguing with before you go editing the worst others… mmmmkay?

No, I can definitely stand to see someone call a rapist a rapist. I’m just not going to argue irrelevant details over what I meant by “man” just because you decided to focus on the wrong part of my point.

In my eyes, he’s no man. He’s barely a human to be honest. So let’s not make assumptions of people we don’t know, savvy?

If you don't like Trump, why do you keep defending him by calling him a child and a narcissist? Why do you keep putting the role of victim on him when he's a rapist and a Nazi? Trump is not a child, he's responsible for his actions. And he's not a narcissist, his actions are not the result of queerness or disability. He is a neurotypical, heterosexual, adult man. He is a privileged, powerful, bigoted individual. Erasing his privilege and trying to paint him as a vulnerable minority is inexcusable.

Okay… you’re not getting it and I’m not a fan of exercising futility. So let’s call it a day.

I understand that you think you're dunking on Trump, but that's not what your actions are. You don't seem to grasp the fact that accusing a Nazi of being a minority isn't a dunk.

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Sorry... how is calling someone a narcissist a defense?

Well asexuals are widely recognised as queer and hardly anyone who has the faintest political literacy is against them. It's not like Fox News is going after them like they go after gay and trans people, so when someone is aphobic they're generally considered absolutely ridiculous by the kinds of people who use Lemmy. And calling Trump asexual would seem to imply that he's not a rapist and serial sexual assaulter, which he absolutely is. I'm never going to stand for somebody calling Trump asexual.

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tRump is a steaming pile of shit. Guessing you might be too. I could be wrong, but I feel pretty good with that guess.

Trump is a man because he's a rapist, and statistically most rapists are adult men. Accusing him of being a child denies his ability to wilfully sexually abuse others. Stop covering for his crimes and admit that he's a piece of shit adult man whose entire identity is founded in reactionary patriarchy.

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Selective hearing and a closet coke addiction will do that to ya

To be fair, I doubt he tries to remember most people because they mean nothing to him. He will simultaneously say he doesn’t know someone, but that they are “good people,” or a “great guy.”

I have really bad memory like that. So I don't run for president. So it's not a good idea to let that guy run either.