Am I the only one that feels lemmy is boring? to Lemmy.World – -14 points –

Same posts each time I open my app, always the same boring topics about bugs and how people feel, this is getting old fast. Not that I am going back to reddit, but don't think I will stay on lemmy either.


It does seem that both hot and active are moving pretty slowly. I've found that "new" is actually the way to see a constant stream of new content, so maybe giving that a try will help.

I second this, when I selected New, I started to see more interesting content.

I double second this, new is the way, I even found a bunch of new communities (Sublemmys 🤙) this way!

are you contributing? This place is only as interesting as you make it

This a thousand times. I mainly lurked on Reddit and I'm trying to actually contribute here. Sometimes I fear that no one will care what I have to say, but someone needs to start the conversation.

Yeah, I'm the same, used to just lurk on Reddit. But with Lemmy trying to engage with the communities a bit more. Its actually quite nice, a small sense of camaraderie as people try to encourage everyone else to contribute.

That and since Lemmy is open source and federated, I feel more comfortable here than Reddit

Contributing does little to help the issue at the moment, as the hot and active sort has crashed and stopped updating since a couple of days ago.

Until that’s fixed, most users will be presented with the same posts every time they visit

There is a bug in the Lemmy backend causing hot and active ordering to give you stale posts in the frontpage. Switch to New and enjoy the A C T I V I T Y

Warning: the frontpage will update very fast

Hot and Active are currently broken, making the sites seem far less active than they actually are. Sorting by new is much more interesting.

I was struggling to understand why hot and active were showing only posts from days ago. I like both kbin and Lemmy though. Lemmy feels a bit more like classic Reddit to me.

Imho it's boring because "active" is the default and works differently from reddit. It shows you active posts, as in posts that have a lot of new comments. This leads to some posts being on the front page for days.

The filter "hot" is supposed to be like reddit, but is currently broken on a lot of instances.

For the best experience I strongly recommend since they have a working "hot" as their default giving you the most reddit-like experience out of all the instances I've tried.

Even the reddit was dead at its starting ages. Supporting lemmy and kbin eventhough its not perfect is the best.

Reddit also had their employees using alts to stimulate the site, the more you post the more other people post.

1 more...

What could help fighting the impression you have is subscribing to many communities that are interesting to you. Then turn your settings on "subscribed-new". That should give you plenty of new content. If you need more, check "local-new" and if that also is not enough take "all-new". This way you will have so much content that it will be like a waterfall and you are right under it.

I'm subbed to a lot of communities & use Subscribed + New as my default sort.

The issue is you are sorting by "Active", this is the default setting in Timeline.

You need to change it to either "Hot" or "New". I personally feel "Hot" is the better option.

Hot is broken right now for large instances. Top of the day or New it is for me.

I don't really have this issue. I went through every community yesterday and joined every one I wanted to. I have my feed set to subscribed and new so it's always changing. I really suggest going through the community list.

You have to also remember there aren't the same amount of people on lemmy that are on reddit. It's going to take a minute for communities to grow and post more often.

Don't worry, it'll become more lively as time goes on! Once Reddit is even more hostile to its userbase, we will have more people here.

I mean, it's kinda in it's first week of real content output so there's obviously not gonna be a lot here yet

I was feeling the same way until i browsed by New and found some interesting communities, plus subscribing to the ones that migrated or were similar to the ones i was subscribing on Reddit. Now i find interesting stuff but without that many memes, which is what actually sells lemmy to me tbh.

What could help fighting the impression you have is subscribing to many communities that are interesting to you. Then turn your settings on "subscribed-new". That should give you plenty of new content. If you need more, check "local-new" and if that also is not enough take "all-new". This way you will have so much content that it will be like a waterfall and you are right under it.

While I agree this is the way, a platform like this shouldn't have to come with a handbook for people to be able to enjoy it. I guess this is why many such platforms start by asking you what topics you're interested in and such.

I personally find that I really don’t know what all I may take an interest in until I actually see it. I’m rather fond of “all.”

You know how to search all on lemmy right? It's Posts/Comments > All > Whatever you want here, I prefer New Comments

Lemmy is boring for now maybe. With new users and more content coming things will be much better. Just think that you are one of the pioneers and contribute.

I’m trying to use this time as a reset. I spent too much time on Reddit so it’s a good thing I’m not doom scrolling on Lemmy. Reddit was a good source of memes and outrage, but if we’re honest with ourselves, is that really healthy for us?

Sort by hot (or new if hot doesn't work) instead of active.

Sounds like your feed settings are wacky. I use Local + New and I get new content all the time. You could even do All and you should for sure see new content. I don’t feel like your post is valid.

OP is talking about the topics discussed here, since most of the active discussions are about Reddit, tech support for the software and internal Fediverse drama. All of us have to do our part and share content or contribute to discussions that aren't about those things.

Sort by new comments and other similar options. And just post stuff wherever. The reason why 195/196/197 get so big consistently is because posting works.

I started to sort it by new, as I always get the same posts otherwise

Your first post is a complaint about things being boring.

Maybe try engaging a bit.

Post more content here and help make it less boring. More content will attract more users, which will result in more content. We need to grow the community.

things are a lot slower here than on reddit. because we simply have far less users. naturally that means niche content isn't going to be that active, and even bigger topics will be much slower.

in terms of "how people feel", I think it's just because a lot of people are just starting to settle in. ultimately though: be the change you wanna see. if you wanna see other topics, post about them :)

I sort by new and subscribed. And my subscriptions span the fediverse. Plenty of new interesting content.

Do keep in mind both lemmy and kbin are in the alpha stages and both were relatively slow/calm before the whole reddit thing happened so the devs were caught by surprise.

Try out one of the kbin instances and see what you think. It has lemmy + kbin + mastodon integration. Some of the kbin instances are listed on here:

I just opened user registration on my kbin instance yesterday so it hasn't been added to the list yet, but feel free to try any of them!

Due to the the newness and smaller communities to start, the sorting algorithm favors the few more active posts on the larger communities/instances. As others have suggested sorting by subscribed or local + new allows for a more constant stream of new content atm

Do keep in mind both lemmy and kbin are in the alpha stages and both were relatively slow/calm before the whole reddit thing happened so the devs were caught by surprise.

Try out one of the kbin instances and see what you think. It has lemmy + kbin + mastodon integration. Some of the kbin instances are listed on here:

I just opened user registration on my kbin instance yesterday so it hasn't been added to the list yet, but feel free to try any of them!

"Same posts each time I open my app, always the same boring topics about bugs and how people feel, this is getting old fast."

So you decided to do the same thing yourself?

I am not sure how well Lemmy UI works (I have heard that sorting posts is kinda broken) since I am on kbin and things look pretty lively here.. but its not fair to compare the depth of content communities that are just months or weeks old to Reddit where we have all spent years generating content. Organic content generation takes time, so be patient and engage and produce the kind of content you want to see here.