What's the keyboard app for android with the most accurate swipe to type?

BlowMe@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 38 points –

Because my current default Samsung keyboard can't predict for shit what I'm trying to type half of the time. I tried gboard but that lacks customization options...


I'm using Heliboard after giving up on Floris. You have to load the Google swipe library, it seems to work pretty well.

How can I load the swipe library? My heliboard can't swipe :(

It's in advanced settings (you can access settings by holding down the , key for a second)

I used to use Gboard. I still do, but I used to as well.

It used to be my default. Every time I got a new android device, I would immediately install Gboard before doing anything else.

But lately, it's been garbage. It's been getting words wrong that I never had problems with previously. It randomly capitalizes normal words in the middle of sentences and I can't seem to train it not to do that. Like "Ever" is the standard capitalization now. I need to manually fix it every time I use that word.

It's been forgetting my name, which is annoying because I have a very unique first and last name and I had previously trained it to swipe my name.

It's also just sticking with variations of a suggested word instead of giving me words in the same swipe area to select. Like if I swipe "food" and it autocorrects with "good," my options to correct the autocorrect are things like "goodness," "goody," "God," etc.

I'm trying to de-Google my life right now, so finding a new digital keyboard seems like a good idea. I'm gonna try some of the suggestions in this thread. I am definitely NOT recommending Gboard.

I have the same frustrations. It used to work great but lately it randomly capitalizes words and fails miserably at recognizing what I'm swyping.

Also, it has something against the word "Tuesday" "today" (see it did it again) and always defaults to "Tuesday."

SwiftKey. I know, it's owned by Microsoft. But I paid for the app long before Microsoft bought the company. I tried so many other apps to replace it, but prediction wise, I can't find any comparable replacement.

If your OS allows, maybe restricting its network access could be an idea

Yep. SwiftKey sometimes has strange predictions etc but (unfortunately) that one's the best out of the many different ones I tried.

Do you use the swipe function? I used to, but recently it's been a bit horrible

Yes, I use it, but I feel like I have to be slower and more precise than before. Still it works better than e.g. Google's keyboard.

I have no recommendation, but I wanted to say that I have the SAME issue. I was on a Pixel 3 and I swear that swipe could read my mind. I would be so lazy to swipe/type and I feel it would come out like 95% accurate. Then I switched to a Samsung note, and their swipe always gets it wrong multiple times in a a row. I now tap to type more than swipe.

The Samsung keyboard had a data breach a while ago. That should tell you all you need to know about Samsung products. Use Heliboard. Its great

Haha I came here to insult the Samsung keyboard but you've already done my job

I've been using SwiftKey from day one, and it works phenomenally

It works well, most of the time. It does not work "phenomenally".

Ah, yes, thank you, my brain. I forgot, you're external now

Go away.

gboard is the the one that I ended up settling on after Swype went belly up. it's not the greatest, but it's better than whatever else I've been able to find.

You are paying a huge price in terms of both privacy and the future of humanity though

it's literally impossible to exist without doing that

I know that is the idea most people have, but I think it's not true, and I live it

Nintype (AKA keyboard 69) is the only double-swipe keyboard I’ve ever used that works worth a damn. Android development was abandoned a while ago, so you’ve gotta find the APK yourself. Someone on the subreddit made a hackjob update called keyboard 71 which fixes some random bugs and introduces some new ones, that’s what I’m currently using. I wanna say I average around 85 wpm typing casually.

It’s also got the smartest autocorrect I’ve ever fucked with, learning dictionary, all that jazz. Damn shame it was abandoned. If it ever stops working on android I reckon I’ll just have to buy an iphone :/

I used to use SwiftKey back in the day but haven't in years. Using gboard has become a real pain. 🙁