Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison to politics – 204 points –
Steve Bannon Prepares for Prison

On the brink of his prison stint, Bannon is attempting to rally an audience he calls an โ€œarmy of the awakenedโ€ to sustain his anti-establishment crusade.

So he wants a "woke" army to support his crusade?

We are the woke they are the comatose. If they wake up they wont support him.

Is "preparing" shoving nips in condoms up his ass?

I gotta tell yah, Steve. They rummage around in there something fierce if they catch wind of nip smuggling.

nips? Isn't that like a candy?

I can't tell if that's a joke or a real question.

If it's a real question, nips in this case refers to those little bottles of alcohol you would get on an airplane. They're readily available in liquor stores here. Common purchase for the chemically dependent alcoholic who just needs a quick fix.

โ€œThere are NO conspiracies but there are NO coincidences โ€” Stephen K. Bannon.โ€

Gotta love that pseudo-intellectual self-quote.

"Why are you preparing? You're always preparing! Just go!"

I always love to see Spaceballs references in the wild, but this one in this particular context is simply brilliant.

Hey, Bannon. I got a recipe for pruno.... I'm not inclined to share it though.

During lockdown I tried making fruit wine without doing enough reading. It smelled like acetone and I'm pretty sure it was lightly poisonous. He can have that recipe if he wants.

Yeah, he isnโ€™t afraid of being locked up. Heโ€™s afraid the DTs will kill him.

This site says it's the Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury, Connecticut.

You can support him by purchasing a container of Petroleum Jelly online and have it shipped to the prison and addressed to him.

I'm sure he using a larger plug each day in preparation.

Why tf do people think jokes like this are funny? Prison rape is real and there's no way it doesn't completely traumatize the victims

True but I'm betting this asshole is in the Epstein camp and any of those assholes have a karmic debt of immense portions.

He looks like the guy in C Block who sells the worst weed.

Connecticut penitentiary? A state facility? How are the prisons in Connecticut? The only thing I know about the state is that they have their own form of pizza though I have no clue what that form is.