George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, defeats Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York Democratic primary to politics – 62 points –
George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, defeats Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York Democratic primary

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s political action committee spent nearly $15 million on the primary, filling airwaves and mailboxes with negative ads in an effort to unseat Bowman, who has accused the influential pro-Israel lobbying group of trying to buy the race.

“The outcome in this race once again shows that the pro-Israel position is both good policy and good politics — for both parties,” the American Israel Public Affairs Committee said in a statement.

15 fucking million dollars, and AIPAC claims this primary shows voters support Israel...

Fuck any politician who takes a dime in bribes from a foreign country. I'm never voting for anyone that takes AIPAC money, regardless of what letter is by their name.

It's a big tent, but it doesn't have room for genocide.

It's a big tent, but it doesn't have room for genocide.

Evidently, it doesn't have room for opposition to genocide.

Foreign interference in US elections works.

Congratulations to all pro-genocide centrists. Netanyahu bought you a candidate.

EDIT: three articles about this so far. When anti-genocide candidates lose, this community is where the party's at.

Latimer pulled in the endorsement of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Holy shit just fuck off to obscurity you POS. Nobody wants to hear from you. All the power you've wielded and you've done NOTHING good with it. Americas marge thatcher

Hey now Margret Thatcher did at least two good things, protected the Falklands from Argentina and died. Hillary Clinton has done neither.

Pro-Israel Centrist genocide-denying conservative sponsored by the fascist apartheid regime currently committing genocide

There, fixed it for them

Just another example of how, if you're even marginally out of the mainstream of politics, you will be perpetually disappointed with our government.

Once again Democrats back and push for a conservative in the primary. Really fucking sad and why I'll never donate to the party ever again.

Aipac isn't "Dems". Fucking moron.

I'm sorry, Hillary Clinton and Josh Gottheimer says what? Fucking moron.

Can't wait until old conservative Democrats go the way of the dodo and I can actually feel good about voting for Democrats again.

Don't worry, I'm sure there will be plenty of young conservative Democrats we can be disappointed about.

Yeah, probably, and unfortunately probably from my generation no less. Still, even with my generation they're significantly less neo-liberal than these old ass blue dogs and then not having such an outsized influence would still be greatly welcomed by me.

As we see from this election, it doesn't really matter what their views are. The people who are really in charge ($$$) can just dump money into any election, and I'm sure they can find someone who'll toe the corporate line for a big pile of money.

No argument about that, money is the bane of politics and will remain that way until we collectively get rid of this bribery and corruption.

Bowman should run as an independent.

It's a 17 point spread. Unless he can get an entire section of voters to flip it's wasted money and effort. In the general election the republicans there would be easily convinced to vote for the Dem's guy.

Or worse yet, they split the vote and a solid blue seat sends a Republican to Congress with 35-40% of the vote. I just love FPTP!

That's why the Dems let AIPAC pick the most racist conservative candidate they could find willing to run blue. In a general election red voters might actually struggle there.

Are there odds this guy flips to being an R if he wins the general?

Doubtful. He’s very far left of the modern GOP on almost all other issues. Third line on his website is his gender pronouns.

Anyone with a functional brain in far left of the modern MAGA pro-fascist pro-grifter GOP.

Wouldn't be the first time we've been duped by a "leftist" as soon as the $5 bills come out

This is the best summary I could come up with:

George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, defeated U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman on Tuesday in a Democratic primary in suburban New York that highlighted the party’s deep divisions over the war in Gaza.

Most current members of Congress have been able to repel challenges from within their party, though GOP Rep. Bob Good is in a tight contest with a rival backed by Donald Trump in a race that is too close to call.

In the final stretch of the race, he rallied with liberals Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders, while Latimer pulled in the endorsement of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Also on Tuesday, Democratic voters on Long Island picked former CNN anchor John Avlon as the candidate who will challenge incumbent Republican Rep. Nick LaLota in a district that’s been controlled by the GOP for a decade.

The Long Island congressional district has become a priority for Democrats as the party tries to flip suburban seats in New York as part of a strategy to win a House majority.

In central New York, two other Democrats are vying to become the party’s nominee to take on U.S. Rep. Brandon Williams, a Republican who represents a recently reconfigured congressional district where President Joe Biden beat Trump by 11 points in the 2020 election.

The original article contains 1,096 words, the summary contains 214 words. Saved 80%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Latimer claimed, on CNN, that over 50% of his funding was from people in the district, while over 90% of Bowman's was from outside. Couldn't get Bowman's response to that because he declined CNN's invite to appear. Is that what Dems need - pols who can't be bothered to appear on major cable networks?

Latimer claimed, on CNN, that over 50% of his funding was from people in the district

Local headquarters or not, AIPAC represents Israel, NOT Bronx.

while over 90% of Bowman's was from outside.

Gonna need a source on that. The ass of a conservative Zionist genocide enabler doesn't count.

Couldn't get Bowman's response to that because he declined CNN's invite to appear.

Probably has better things to with his time than fend off the bad faith questions of billionaire-owned media

Is that what Dems need - pols who can't be bothered to appear on major cable networks?

Much better than a corrupt genocide enabler at any rate.

If you screech genocide or Zionist enough times you don't win, but in fact you lose.

If you screech protect genocide or Zionist and Zionism enough times you don't win. 8n fact you In fact we all lose.

There, fixed it for you. You want another boot to lick or have you had your fill for the day?

As the previous, pretty weak.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to downplay your complicity 🤷

While totally ignoring your own complicity. Well done.

How the fuck am I complicit in a genocide I roundly condemn at every opportunity??

Your agnst drives stupidity. So you take a totally valid criticism of a candidate who lost and make it all about your current Cause célèbre, one which you are aware of only on a surface level. Why you think I would have any interest in that I do not know, yet here we are.

Your agnst drives stupidity

Bold words from someone too worked up and/or stupid to do even cursory proofreading on his reflexive insistence on alternative facts 🙄

totally valid criticism of a candidate who lost

Based on what, other than the word of an unregistered foreign agent trying to overcorrect with the "I'm for the locals!" demagoguery?

your current Cause célèbre one which you are aware of only on a surface level.

Says a lot about you that you automatically assume that people only care about the most heinous of crimes against humanity because it's "trending right now" and are utterly ignorant if they don't agree with the right wing establishment orthodoxy.

I've been advocating for Palestine independence since before the Oslo Accords, dumbass.

Why you think I would have any interest in that I do not know, yet here we are.

Now that you mention it, you DO strike me as extremely incurious and thus susceptible to deep seated confirmation bias. Better not waste any more time on your willfully ignorant ass.

Have the day you deserve.

Again, I'm really not interested in your jabber. You can repeat as many times as you wish, but that will not improve that fact.

Latimer 59.6% Bowman 40.4% - 82% counted

Absolute Fucking Ass Whooping, lmao

That'll happen when one candidate outspends the other 7 to 1 with the blood money of a fascist apartheid regime currently committing genocide and the endorsement of the establishment.

Taking money from AIPAC isn't any better than taking money from the Russian or Saudi governments.