Donald Trump runs for cover as shots fired at Pennsylvania rally to – 168 points –

No good will come of this.

Hypothetically, if a handful of psychos attempt to assassinate Biden as retribution, unsuccessfully, we might get a few fascists locked up.

This will energize his base and he will win the election. It will also mean Republican domination of the House and Senate. The next two years will be a clusterfuck as normal and barriers are demolished and regular people begin to realize they've elected fascism. The midterms will begin to look like a blue wave, but then they will point back to moments like this to declare the Democratic party "illegitimate" and remove them from ballot access, if midterm elections happen at all.

This is the end of any semblance of democracy in the US for at least a generation.

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I viscerally hate the guy, but:

  • Murder is just wrong, and political violence isn't better when liberals do it than conservatives
  • We don't need him to become a martyr
  • If he's dead, we'll never get a court ruling on his crimes

political violence isn't better when liberals do it than conservatives

Who pulls the trigger doesn't matter. What matters is what the target plans to do if they survive.

This photo may have (unfortunately) won him the race.

It's incredible people are down voting you because they don't like this thought. Y'all know how America is right? If this is all real, his approval numbers likely grow and his base gets fired up. Reagan got a bump back in the day.

You don't have to like that, but it's not misinformation to speculate on how this plays out. These images will be used for the rest of this race.

No, it's just a bullshit argument in this election. The electorate is viscerally polarized, and very few people are in the fence about who to vote for - maybe some undecided about whether they'll vote at all. I can't imagine there are many people who are going to switch from Biden to Trump because of this, or who will even go from undecided to Trump. It makes no sense.

On the other hand, Trump is going to fundraise the crap out of that picture, and it will squeeze lots more money out of his base.

the argument isn't that people will switch sides, it's that more right-leaning people will vote who would have otherwise just skipped

Do you remember 9/11? The war in Iraq? Are you aware of what happened with the assassination attempt against Reagan? Do you remember how those affected the approval ratings of politicians?

You don't even necessarily have to flip people. You just have to get them to come out and mobilize.

It's not a sure thing, but a lot of y'all are coming across as coping. Political violence has often united this country around figures and policies.

Isn't Biden already polling poorly?

I do remember those times, but we weren't nearly as polarized then, and the assassination attempt made Reagan more sympathetic and somewhat more heroic. I didn't think this will do that for Trump.

Christ, his poll numbers were already daunting, but now this?

$10 says staged. Perfect location, perfect timing, perfect day of the week.

Here comes the sympathy vote begging

Apparently the DA of that county confirmed 2 deaths. So, two people died.

Still think it was staged?