World's First Tooth Regrowth Medicine Enters Clinical Trials to – 555 points –
World's First Tooth Regrowth Medicine Enters Clinical Trials — 'Every Dentist's Dream' Could Be A Life-Changing Reality

The title is misleading from what it actually stated in the article.

It seems that it is mostly aimed at persons who are missing teeth that did not grow at all. By giving this medicine they would have more of the teeth most people have.

The title would suggest that it would allow growing teeth back that have been lost. This could theoretically be a further extent of this research, but it is not what the article seems to describe.

This is still pretty amazing.

Indeed. You have to start somewhere with these things.

Big Toothpaste gonna fight this. Tooth and nail.

They certainly aren’t enameled with the prospect of losing business.

But it's a hole in the market that needs to be filled.

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Caveat emptor, says the ADA:

There may be challenges involved in controlling the shape, location and number of regrown teeth. Because the research was conducted on animal models, its applicability to humans remains uncertain, as stressed by Dr. Erinne Kennedy from the American Dental Association.”

Waiting for the first reports of unicorn spirals and Paleolithic grade protuberances from the clinical trials.

Well that only matter if you care about the shape, location, and number of teeth you start to grow out of your eyes body head mouth.

Apparently it targets the gene specifically for growing your teeth, so it should only grow your teeth where it was designed to.

There may be challenges involved in controlling the shape, location and number of regrown teeth.

To what extent..?

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Here a similar article at Euronews without the annoying Yahoo consent pop-up.

iPhone? App > “Sink It” then Settings > Safari > Extensions > Enable

I installed it for Reddit’s stupid app install nags and others. But I’m finding it wonderful everywhere.

What is this, good news??

A rare breed.