Trying to build critical mass for small communities to – 195 points –

Hi, I'm focusing on generating content for a few communities that I feel can be successful and have less content than I expected:

EDIT: I did not create any of those communities

I would encourage anyone to participate if you like those topics.

Do you know any other niche-but-not-too-niche communities in which we could focus efforts?
Please, don't post very long lists, I'm already subscribed to almost 300 communities and the idea is to focus on a few ones.


EDIT: Added descriptions for each community.


There's the entire instance of It stands for Science Fiction Fantasy Alliance. I'd love to see it get off the ground. Right now it's mostly just Brando Sando stuff. I've been considering maybe starting a community called SFFA Gaming, but I don't have any content to actually contribute.

Cassettefurutism!! Man that one was so active on Reddit. The other one I miss is WeirdWings.

I've been trying to participate in ! It had a decent sized community on Reddit and it would be great to have some weekly discussion here.

Good luck!

I don't have much to contribute to that community... I had never heard of that game :/.

It's a fun time-killer or toilet game, seemingly simple but with surprising depth for what it is. It's free to try, if you're interested.

Isn't ! doing pretty good? I see it reaching top of All quite often

Indeed, that's one of the most promising ones... and it still only has 2 or 3 posts a day :/.

I mean, people have lives too I guess :)

I didn't mean that I expect the same user to be posting all day. If different users send 1 post each, they still should have a lot of time for other things :)

For sure, but I am at 500 posts on my main account, and to be honest posting so much content can sometimes be a bit tiring. I'm trying to get other people on my community to do it too but it's not that easy.

posting so much content can sometimes be a bit tiring.

Agree. What I'm doing (in case it helps) is, instead of going for quantity, go for quality and try to focus the efforts on a few communities that interest me. That way I am posting about things I really like in just a few places and it doesn't become a chore.

I'm trying to get other people on my community to do it too but it's not that easy.

Indeed, it's HARD. This is one of the reasons I haven't created a community yet, it seems too much effort-VS-results-ratio. I know I'm taking the easy path because I'm not so invested in any specific community. So thanks to all of you who create and moderate all the communities.

! and ! are my personal niches, so if anyone's interested please come over and get stuck in

This seems like a good place to ask, but is there a handwriting or cursive community on the go yet? It's my latest obsession, so I could see myself helping grow it.

I've searched around, but haven't had any luck finding an existing communities

Thanks, I really appreciate you taking a look! I did already find those, but I don't know anything about writing with ink. 😬

I'll keep looking, as you suggest. Once I get a little more settled I may even start my own.

Subbed! Though I'm not the contributing type, I love to see these kinds of posts

I've created and have been the only curator (so far) of ! My idea is to have a good set of ideas around the idea of human scale development, "smol tech" and anything that can give some relief to hyperglobalist and soulless worldview that is so prevalent today.

Thank you, 3 out of 4 interested me so I subbed :-)

I got only one on my own server, low posting, starting out with the legendary Gir "Moebius" works ! and I'm working on one for "artistes en herbe" (artists on uh grass? It means us, people who like and try and have fun creating)

Cheers and long live Lemmy and the fediverse!

I had been trying to grow these two:

They were reasonably popular on reddit, 3m+ and 2m+ subscribers respectively. I started posting once per day to each of them soon after I migrated over, though my meme stash has mostly run dry at this point (I do have a bit more to post to anime_irl). There are some regular posters in anime_irl now, but animemes has been pretty dead since I stopped posting. I've also promoted them in the usual places.

There's also my own community, / /c/, for cataloging topic/location focused instances. It works fine as a solo project, but I wouldn't mind having more suggestions of things to add to the list.

Can you explain what these things are? The only one I understand is obviously comic strips. Also, join us at ! Also, how do I make that a link?(Thanks!) (Or type italics, bold, or strikethrough here on lemmy?)

Also, how do I make that a link? (Or type italics, bold, or strikethrough here on lemmy?)

Lemmy uses Markdown, though not all apps handle the full syntax yet (I know sync struggles with Spoiler and Code for example).