Two women say Texas hospitals wouldn’t treat their ectopic pregnancies. Each lost a fallopian tube as a result. to politics – 411 points –

No one could’ve predicted this. If only we had experts in women’s health to tell us what would happen in advance of health legislation to avoid these kinds of horrible incidents.

Such a shame that nothing could’ve been done to prevent this.

Such a shame that nothing could’ve been done to prevent this.

You're so wrong. Did you forget about thoughts and prayers?

Gonna add a /s in case this went over anyone's head...

The cruelty is the point

aw shit, horrors beyond imagining! finally some of the shit I was promised coming true!

I'm confused by the tone of your message

just be'in enthusiastic about the local horrible shit and incoming confluence of dystopias. you know, cool endangered bear about to maul me, really interesting virus I caught, this water im drowning in is so clear.

edit: people always tell me to be more positive and see silver linings, but they get maaaaaad when I do.

Oh wow, you mean the laws designed to hurt women are hurting women?

Republicans, ladies and gentlemen. A round of applause, please.

trump and the republican party did this. It's a feature, not a bug. This is what they want.

They want doctors afraid.

Pro life? go fuck yourselves.

They just want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.

They want women afraid. The doctors are just collateral damage. It's not about children and it never was (if they cared about cheap labour and disposable soldiers they'd embrace immigration instead), it's about controlling women.

Didn't even have to click the link to say:

"If you're prebirth, you're fine. If you're preschool, you're FUCKED."

Making sure Women can't EVER have Kids again is Pro Life!

When ever I see a story like this I always wonder if the women affected are republicans, and if so, will they remain republicans after their ordeal.