Trump Isn’t Finished to politics – 187 points –
Opinion | Trump Isn’t Finished

Yet, Wilentz writes, “many of even the most influential news sources hold to the fiction Trump and his party are waging a presidential campaign instead of a continuing coup, a staggering failure to recognize Trump’s stated agenda.”

Stopping that coup means first winning the election — and then ensuring that local officials certify it.

That means:


Good luck on the certifications if nothing is done to uproot the traitors he put into positions that handle those. The trunk is rotting, the tree awaits its fall.

They're largely state and local officials. Hence subject to local pressure

Who do you think got ripped out and replaced with traitor loyalists? The state and local officials. Look at my own state of Arizona. Fake electors still abound.

I don't doubt that there are more wannabe traitors in local office; Trump didn't put them there directly though.

These ideals and plans originate somewhere related to the GOP. So you're right, he didn't directly do it, and after he's gone this isn't done.

Yep. The fundamental problem is that the Republican party has transitioned into a pro-dictatorship party because they're afraid that nonwhites will have the same freedoms as they do. And that doesn't go away once Trump is gone.

Even if he loses this year he won't be finished. It will be 4 more years of fruitless legal action and another run in '28 even if it's from prison.

With the clear signs of cognitive decline already apparent (and knowing his diet and lifestyle) I think the chance of him being in a state capable of running in '28 is low - if he's even still alive by then.

The GOP will keep trying. They’ve been trying since the first civil war.

Even if “diminished” a new head will grow.

The dementia will have him either dead or in a bed drooling as he stares at the lights in the ceiling from the nursing home. He doesn't have four years left, I'll be amazed if he functions for another year.

Here's hoping he strokes out and has a heart attack at the same time.

Ideally after '28 so he can continue to "run" things into the ground.

He's not a fucking god, he's a pathetic piece of shit human. He cannot and will not overpower frontotemporal dementia. PERIOD.

Need proof?? Look no further than his father and how his career ended.

Vote!!!! Send this jackass and all his ilk packing with all his backwards ideas on what makes America great.

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