The most recognizable leaf silhouette is the marijuana leaf.

The Giant to – 93 points –

Maple leaves are pretty recognizable. There's a whole entire country that's got one on its flag.

As a Minnesotan who pops gummies every night, I can safely say I have no idea how many leaves are on a marijuana, but a maple is 3 points with 3 points on each of them and 2 teeny tiny little legs at the bottom

The iconic sugar maple leaves have 5 lobes, not 3. I am a Certified Naturalist with a specialty in native trees.

I think you are saying the same thing in a different manner. The other two lobes being the “legs” at the bottom. Looking at pictures of sugar maple leaves, both descriptions fit to me.

Forgive my crude drawings. I did not read it that way. This is what they described before the edit.

This is what I describe as the iconic maple leaf, and accurate to life:

Was the part with the two legs added in an edit? It was there by the time I commented (obviously, as I mentioned it). Without that part, then yeah, that description is off

What kind of certification do you need to take your clothes off and play volleyball with your friends?

Being able to reproduce it from memory is different from recognizing it though

Maple leaves are pretty recognizable, but if I saw a silhouette of a marijuana leaf next to the silhouette of a maple leaf, I'd probably pick out the marijuana leaf first. I'm not really even a weed user. Might just be me, though.

I think Canada would like a word

I always recognize the Canadian flag because of the iconic marijuana leaf

As much as I wish this were true, even little kids can recognize clover leaf.

If I had to rate recognition I think it would be:

  1. Clover
  2. Fern
  3. Maple
  4. Cannabis

I feel like oak is also in the top 5. Possibly even higher than cannabis.

Depends on where you live. We don't have any oaks where I grew up. I couldn't tell you what their leaves look like

Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy is a pretty memorable silhouette.

Pine needles?

Maple leafs

Four leaf covers

Palm fronds?

Pineapple leafs are pretty identifiable

A pineapple leaf on its own could be any kind of long thin leaf though. It's only on a pineapple that they're obvious