Dallas police officer 'executed,' 2 others injured in targeted shootings: Chief

BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 182 points –
Dallas police officer 'executed,' 2 others injured in targeted shootings: Chief

The shooter is a sovereign citizen.


I bet the officer reached towards his waistband or glovebox. He thought he had something in his hand. The officer was acting suspicious. The officer had a history of crime, a runin with the law when he was 12.The sovcit felt threatened and had to defend himself! Those are the talking points, right?

The SovCits have qualified immunity no contract with the government and thus are not subject to laws.

Fucking hell that title. Made me think a police officer shot two other police officers.

That comma is working hard.

I had to read that title several times.

Probably because it's hiding under that apostrophe

Is it not grammatically correct? Like I almost missed it under the apostrophe too but that's how you're supposed to do it

I think so, too. But maybe because you expect the closing apostrophe you completely miss the comma.

Was the Cop on Drugs? Was he wearing a Hoodie? Did he smoke a Joint once? Was he Sleeping? ALL these things are Things Cops have Killed people over so it's safe to Assume these are Dangerous Activities that REQUIRE violent intervention!

I'm am sure this post will top the "sort by controversial" list.

From the article: "Cobb-Bey purchased the weapons legally".

I can't remember where I saw it, because it has been years, but a bunch of the Sovcits were passing a video of a man, that state police pulled over, threatening that if they didn't just leave, he was going to start a gun fight. So they left. They were all sharing it around, claiming victory, sucking each other off. Then, like a year or so later, a news article came out where they decided to watch the guy closely. Instead of just arresting him, they collected a bunch of criminal infractions to charge him with. Then, when he was coming out of some store, or restaurant, or whatever, they ambushed him and took him in.

Long story short, he had CP. Possibly was paying an underage girl for sex. ALL the sovcit hang-outs were immediately perma-banning anyone who posted it.

Like, I passionately despise the legal industry here. From the cops to the legislators. However, all they have done is make it so cops assume anyone, who doesn't immediately start sucking them off, is a sovcit. This makes them even more likely to be violent, and they do everything they can to make sure anyone that doesn't listen to their unlawful BS, is associated with that movement.

This post has brought out the worst of Lemmy. At least I can find respite in the fact that those glorifying this are merely edgelord keyboard warriors and have absolutely no measurable impact on the real world.

A lot of people can't see past their hate.

I'm sure Genevive Dawes learned to see past whatever hate she had after she fucking died at the hands of a Dallas police officer who had been internally investigated ten times and then was acquitted for the sole fact that he murdered her while being a cop. I'll bet it's hard to hate someone when your mother is burying you in the ground because this Alex Jones' inbred cousin-looking motherfucker wasn't put in jail after ten documented cases of physically abusing civilians.

Unless you're suggesting that this man was involved in that situation, there's room to feel sympathy for both murder victims. I know I do.

This man was a teacher and coach for 16 years who only recently became a police officer, and now he's gone. If your first reaction to this news isn't sadness, then I don't know what to tell you.

Unless you’re suggesting that this man was involved in that situation, there’s room to feel sympathy for both murder victims.

This cop is either one of the ones committing atrocities, or one of the ones that stand by, hold the "thin blue line", and enable the ones committing atrocities.

ACAB has no exceptions.

Imagine celebrating the death of a human being, knowing that their family’s lives are forever changed-

And feeling good about yourself.

Stay classy lemmy.