Running DOOM In A Keycap Takes Careful Work to – 413 points –
Running DOOM In A Keycap Takes Careful Work

If a piece of hardware can't run doom is it even hardware?

Crazy how people are still finding new things to cram doom into. I remember when that was a popular thing to do twenty years ago haha

But I'll admit, stuffing it into a keycap is pretty damn impressive, albeit useless haha

Screw the Turing test! The superior test is "Can it run DOOM".

Yeah it literally runs on pregnancy tests

It wasn't running on the pregnancy test then, and it's not running on a keycap now. Both this and the pregnancy test are someone putting their own hardware into a random enclosure and saying "I'm running Doom on X!"

No, you're not really. Would you say that I'm running Doom on a banana if I put the same hardware inside a banana peel? No, because it's just a case for something else.

If he was running it on the keyboard's existing processor and it had a screen in the key, like Doom on a Mac touchbar, then I would agree.

He was streaming doom to the pregnancy test. it's a pretty cool hack, even if he's not "running" it on the pregnancy test.

"you can even plug in a keyboard"...

To play Doom...

That's running in a key on your keyboard...

Not sure why he didn't take the extra step of tying in the power and keys from the USB keyboard the keycap is living on. I feel like that shouldn't be too hard

everyone: Idont think there is any other way left to play Doom.

Dev: Hold my beer

next: Skyrim playing in a Keycap

I was imagine to put Doom logo on my keyboard. But that is the whole game lol i take it.

What exactly is the obsession of putting DOOM of all games into any hardware over other games?

It's a fine enough game, but definitely not the game of choice I would choose if I were to choose an old game to be put in random hardware.

It's easy to port, has low system requirements, and it's funny to see running on a toaster

What is this, Doom for ants?