family rule to – 548 points –

They have the same face and the jacket wearing one has an extra leg coming out of his ass. Darkest timeline indeed.

Would certainly be a win for humanity if those two fucks were to bugger off from Earth.

Their influence would wane only by the delay it takes light to reach the Earth.

We'd have overlord free holidays when the sun is between Earth and Mars.

Is that a giant turd coming out?

The AI couldn't decide who tops, so both figures are Elmo and Zuck simultaneously. Like they got Brundlefucked.

This is their family, and their children committed incest.

Elon would be the one that carries the baby

He can't deliver, his third leg would be in the way.

How do you know that's not a literal poop chute built into his pants? It's the future, anything is possible!

Thank you for agreeing with me that any offspring of the two combined would result in nothing more than literal poop.

Whatever, just don't let Elon choose the name of the baby, please

So why is Harland Williams watching Chris Evans do pottery?