Map of europe from my dream last night, ama about this scenario and I'll answer if I know (rule) to – 138 points –

Wtf happened to the English Channel?

sacrifices had to be made when turning the country ~100º counter clockwise to get that sweet inland sea between them and Spain

I want to see that cliff, where the summit of the Mont Blanc plunges directly into the Mediterranean.

How powerful are the communes that they were able to stop franco expansionism dead in its tracks?

The communes are militarily protected by Germany from France

Edit: I'm pretty sure in the dream I'm a german politician attempting to negotiate a ceasefire with France, since it's actively fighting the communes

I'm not digging that Marseille lost the sea and now enjoys a german climate

TIL that inland France has "German climate" 😂

I am not familiar with Germany so I just went with german climate

Did France always look like that, or did the Bavarians pull a little prank on it?

Looks like it got decapitated and the head's been pushed over

What happened in Pyrenees/South Occitania? Is Andorra OK?

Is Spain now part of Europe or Africa? Or a separate continent?