Christian Boarding School Reaches $100 Million Settlement for Alleged Torturing Students to World – 378 points –
Christian Boarding School Reaches $100 Million Settlement for Alleged Torturing Students

An investigation by police revealed school administrators tried to cover up multiple cases of abuse at Miracle Meadows. Students had been handcuffed or shackled to beds, and many endured rapes and vicious beatings.


A conservative Christian group abusing children? Now I've heard everything!

How many drag queens were on staff?

The only men wearing dresses and raping children are clergy.

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Did anyone go to prison?

In 2016, the school's co-founder and director, Susan Gayle Clark, was convicted of child neglect and failing to report and was sentenced to six months in jail.

Ah, a fellow non-American who thinks that the punishment for rape and torture should be prison and not a fine.

We're probably crazy though, right?

I think most people in the world, regardless of which madeup borders you happened to be born in, think that the punishment for rape and torture should be prison and not a fine

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I'm not even surprised anymore.

Fundamental tenet of Christianity: be nice to people.

Also Christianity: let's torture a bunch of people.

Is it Christianity or evil people under the guise of Christianity? Pretty big and obvious difference.

Organized religion is essentially organized crime in the guise of religion. Religious leaders who provide this disguise and their blind faithful who allow & enable these crimes are equally at fault with the criminals.

So it's organized religion, not Christianity which has a propensity to abuse power? Because you made it sound like religion itself causes these evil acts, which it does not.

Christianity is an organized religion.

I'm not @zik who made the comment you're referring to.

And Christians wonder why with each successive generation less & less people are choosing to be shackled to religion.

These kinds of places are beyond insane. I first heard about Elan and then I fell down the rabbit hole of shitty places like this.


Would really be a shame if someone burned the school to the ground now wouldn't it

It was God's will this happened. We can't blame the victims, the poor priests and nuns. They were only acting out of God's will.