It was all a dream rule

Anti Weeb to – 98 points –

I was like hmm crimea still part of Ukraine, that's nice. Kosovo still disputed, sad. Everything else looks fine... wait why does Ireland look so happy? OH SHIT

Ok I'ma need some explanation on this one. I see some obvious border changes and countries that don't exist here, but, lore?

The UK is gone

Fr*nce is still here 😰😭

Also Belgium and Netherlands

I don't really like Germany being there either.

Switzerland can stay but it has to be without any swiss people

As long as Urk goes down with the rest of us I don't mind the benelux disappearing


When do we start?

We're working on it don't worry (not with a french brexit, just the removal of the entire country)

What do you mean obvious border changes? It's all the same except the UK is missing. That's the joke

Who took a bite out of Ireland? Was it perhaps John Apple the CEO and founder of Apple Inc. ?