rule to – 582 points –

I heard this in a heavily autotuned Cher voice

Someone needs to use this for a Weird Al type anti work themed cover...

That comment makes me think of the X-Files episode with J. Peterman

It’s just a dream. my corporate overlords need me to work more overtime at my shit pay.

Sometimes I can feel some things inside me say, I really don't think I'm energised enough no.

No, I don't. I need work to live.

Sad life, bruh

I can't complain much. So no, not really, I am generally happy. Work sometimes forces me to learn something new or look into something or what not, with fun along the path or feeling "fulfilled" when something is finally finished that I didn't like. In any case, without work I would spend my time less wise, since there is no more "force" to do something. I would probably go back to gaming many hours every day.

Sorry, it is very sad to me that you feel you need work to get these things from life

At least, employment

Work, to me, is something I regularly do for others. When I do something for me, even if it is the same, it is a hobby or whatever. So there is no need to be sad for me.

Not all things done for others are equal. I'm quite happy to help family or a friend, or a stranger in need. But some rich guy wants to exploit my need for money to get things done for him? There's no way i can't be depressed about that, and I'm baffled by anyone who isn't. There must be something lacking in people's self respect that makes it not activate when they're exploited.

Why do Nazi don't know how to do the swastika?

Uh... what? There is no attempt at a swastika here, and it'd make no sense for there to be one.

Ohohoh I thought you were joking that the hammer and sickle made them tankies, but now I see the tag lol

they're usually very, very dumb

there's a whole "heil hortler" meme community full of shitty swastika attempts

4 more...

Not really, but it's consistent with my beliefs in life before and during work as well.