An old year-based meme, which has now doubled from the original timeframe. Has the humor doubled in value too? You decide.

The Picard to Antique Memes – 553 points –

Halo: Anniversary, the 10 year HD re-release/remaster of Halo: Combat Evolved, is 11 years old.

And yet we still haven't gotten Halo: Anniversary: Anniversary SMH head bungie

I remember the controversial launch of Grand Theft Auto. The first game.

GTA 5 is ten years old.


I legitimately feel like my mind stopped updating time when I graduated high school. The PS3 and Xbox 360 will always feel fairly recent to me, lol.

I still consider them "modern" consoles.

The PS2 was my newest console until I got a Switch this year. If I could experience Fallout 3 on a PS3 like I did one time in college, I'd probably still be blown away.

From birth to 18 feels like such a long time. The next 18 years felt like they went by in a flash. 

My dad said to me when I was a kid that when I was ten a year was a whole tenth of my life, and when I'm 50 it will only be one 50th of my life. So every year feels shorter. Not sure how much sense that makes, but it's always stuck in my head.

I'm waiting for "20" to register the equivalent of "year" and all anyone hears is the second number: 2072 = 72.

And in this world, "19" throws people for a loop. Like "Shit. You're THAT old"

About 10 years ago I overheard one of my kids dismiss something as being "from the 1900's". It was about 15 years old at the time.

I think it's pre-covid now. That last few years were so fucking long.

See, this one doesn't quite do it for me because 2013 was two whole countries ago, so yeah, it kinda feels like a decade.

Nah, "10 years ago" makes me think fondly of the relative stability of the Obama administration. The difference from pre- to post-2016 seems far bigger than any shift in the two decades before that.