Recycle rule to – 558 points –

I think the minimum number of batteries needed for a meme is 7.

If anyone can think of a way to do so with fewer batteries, please let me know. I'm at a loss.

I just got done thinking, “at least it isn’t loss”, you son of a bitch

this comment is the most minimal loss i've ever seen.

it could’ve been even more minimal without the “i’m at a loss” part

I’m at a loss.

It took me a second, but now I hate you. Thanks!

That's what I started looking for first, then I thought it was butterfly guy, and then I finally saw it.

I was ready for it to be loss but I'm glad it was something else

I don't get it

Of course you can. It just won't be good, or funny or worth your time.

So glad someone's finally come up with a rebuttal.