Show-off your music vibe with retro-modern headphones sporting a display on the cans - Yanko Design to – 22 points –
Show-off your music vibe with retro-modern headphones sporting a display on the cans - Yanko Design

I love that idea but it gives “main character” energy. You only buy this to shoe your music taste then hope someone talks to you about it. Maybe i am wrong 😂

"Main character energy" is a great way to put it. If I came across someone wearing these I'd have some assumptions...

No information about the drivers and no frequency response graphs doesn't fill me with confidence.

That's because they don't exist. It's only a concept rendering. This site spotlights design ideas and their creators, not actual products.

this post should should perhaps go into some sort of design community rather than a technology community in that case? since there's no technology here

Damn, those look like shit. All the bulk of overear cans with none of the seal.

I imagine the frequency response curve is going to be a trash heap on these things. Mids? Who needs em?

My ass listening to The Frogs with the lyrics on the can 💀

Considering I deal with people who blast their music from their phone speakers without headphones, I do not want to know what over-bassed track they're listening to.

Yanko design is a name I haven't seen in quite some time. Some of the dumbest, impractical, and downright impossible concepts have been featured on this blog.

Two memorable examples were the "magnetic" exercise weight set that would have to violate physics in order to function and a refrigerator made of green goo that would somehow preserve food.

Oh and "hubless wheels" anything that rolls needs hubless wheels.

How fast would that battery die? Also the screens probably add substantial weight. This thing isn't practical at all, but it is very flashy.

This is very pointless and it just makes the headphones heavier for no benefit to the wearer

Yeah let's make the person next to me stare me weirdly when I'm just chilling enjoying my music and make me uncomfortable 😆

Oh man, if my batteries run out on my noise cancelling headphones I leave them on so I don't have to talk to people. Now I can enjoy the, "I know those aren't on" line.

Complete the effect by combining them with a wristwatch broadcasting your heart rate and the transfixed stare of Apple's goggles.