This Metacritic redesign is s... to Mildly – 342 points –

I prefer 'The Legend of ...' over 'The Legend of ...' myself.


I really hate grid based displays of lists like this. Such an awful design pattern.

The legend of... (click here to continue reading)

Gotta be 'The Legend of Link' since he is the main character that we control throughout the game right? Any other name wouldn't make sense ofc

Yep it's a click generator

It looks fine at smaller resolutons. Whoever setup the largest resolution just fucked up.

it's ok visually impaired people who use screen readers don't need to worry about that at all. in fact its also hidden behind aria-hidden so even if they wanted to, it wouldn't make a difference. like web developers; it's not hard to consult one person on making your new design accessible....

Yeah that design choice is bizarre as hell. I remember visiting some pages and it felt like I was deciphering shit again and again to understand what was going on on the damn site.