But I wanted to be somebody famous!

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 830 points –

theatre majors are the most annoying people on earth and I will hold firm on that statement

I do local theater, and people don't understand how correct you are.

Holy shit, Nevin, nobody gives a flying fuck that you have a degree, your line reading is flat as fuck. No I don't care you starred in Hamlet during your community college days.

Otoh... Kinda sad that somebody tried to do the thing they wanted and instead fell to earth as soon as that rolled up degree touched their hands.

"I'm so tough that I don't even get scared in an elective activity I paid to go to!"

Found the former theater major.

Don't have to be a theater major to think the meme is goofy :)

found the guy who was scrutinized for expression by toxic family and friends

This is so accurate. I worked in a haunted house briefly and there are a lot of people who went to film school, but never did anything with it after their capstone project or whatever.

What's a former theater major? Am I also a former engineering major even though I'm an engineer now? This is such a weird way to phrase the post, and incredibly insulting too.

It was phrased to be insulting on purpose because it's a joke.

Not a very funny joke when it's a dig at someone.

I disagree. It's okay to make fun of things that people do, but not what people are. You shouldn't make fun of someone for having a disability. You can make fun of someone choosing to put all that money and effort into a degree they are only leveraging to work at a haunted house. Not to mention comedy is subjective, so you may not find the same types of jokes funny.

Former theater majors often don't go on to anything theatrical. Not for very long anyway.

Sure, I was married to one.

then whats your point? pretty sure you know what it means

It's insulting and belittling for no reason.

there is a reason, theatre majors are annoying and contribute very little to society.

I used to think like you do. It's a very narrow world view though, and a little bit sad even. Movies, tv, theatre, and music. Those are all probably things you enjoy and spend a great deal of time with, and yet you criticize it and look down on them for it.

We're talking about ex theatre majors, not people who work in media. I went to a college with a renowned theatre program and I can say first hand that they are easily the most insufferable people of any major. I'll admit that has colored my opinion quite a bit. The entertainment industry is notoriously nepotistic and the only people from my class that had success were those with rich dads who were connected in the entertainment scene. This breeds contempt amongst them and it's palpable when you are hanging out with them.

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engineering major... married

Press x to doubt

You're free to think whatever you want.

You really don't get jokes eh

I just don't find it funny to imply i couldn't possibly be in a relationship bcz I'm an engineer. The joke is overdone, and not even based in reality.

when its a joke that's repeated over and over with the intent to put someone down it stops being funny pretty quick

its pretty easy for you to say he doesnt get jokes when the narrative isnt about you.

I'm a math major, the jokes are about me lmao

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I don't get scared in haunted houses because they're never actually haunted. Though I am doubtful how scary a ghost would be if any of the stories of "real" ghosts are true. Oooh noooo! It's a semi-transparent Victorian woman floating up the stairs! How scary! Pfft... Where's the ghosts capable of ripping you apart like in 13 Ghosts?

A ghost that will just straight overkill you is less scary IMO, what's scary is a ghost that makes you progressively more paranoid and unsure of what's real and in the end your soul gets trapped forever and everyone writes you off as yet another mental illness suicide