Google Keep is replacing Assistant Notes and 'Shopping List'

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 92 points –
Google Keep is replacing Assistant Notes and 'Shopping List'

Wild, I thought they'd axe keep for another similar app because "reasons".

That's a couple of years from now... after enough people have adopted Keep and it finally works smoothly.

I'm expecting keep to die and I've been using it heavily for years. so have moved to logseq in anticipation and ported my data over. So far it's been quite smooth.

Same, almost.

I use Logseq for all my notes, but Keep cloud sync for shared notes with my wife, which we mostly just use for shipping lists.

I like Logseq so much I donate $5 USD/month. It's the first open-source project I've actively funded with recurring donations.

Can my wife and I both add stuff to the same list via a Google home? And then will it sync quickly if we're both in different parts of the grocery store checking items off?

Yep, you just have to set Keep as your default note service in the Google Assistant settings.

Shared notes in Keep sync very quickly in my experience as long as you have a reasonable internet connection.

It's honestly the most seamless feature of the Google ecosystem, a shared keep list we can add stuff to using the hub

I had no idea there was a shopping list app. We've been using Keep for that kind of list and it syncs pretty quick, but no idea about Home.

There was a time that I actually would have cared about this. I used to use the shopping list feature in keep all the time and I would use Google assistant to add items. When Google randomly decided to switch to adding items to Google Express instead of keep when asking Google assistant to add items to my shopping list, it was such a small thing but it made me realize that I didn't want to give control of my digital life over to Google to manipulate on a whim. Since then, I have nearly entirely degoogled my life and I can't really say I've been inconvenienced.

What did you replaced Keep with?

I've been using obsidian and signal for a while but I'm thinking of setting up a nextcloud instance and using the notes app in that.

Same here. It was one of those relatively small changes, but the realization that I had no real control of a relatively core utility. And that it could be vastly changed (or go away entirely into the great Google graveyard), inspired me to start moving as much as I could to self-hosted stuff or at least find more trustable utilities that I had more control over.

Plus they screwed everyone over using Assistant to add things to lists.

I refuse to use Googles shopping lists out of spite for trying to force me to switch to their app (that they keep pulling the OP shenanigans on).

These google names sound like a caveman named Google telling someone what he's doing.

I wonder how Tasks factor into this in the future. I use both Keep and Tasks extensively, hope they figure out a way to merge them seamlessly.

(I've stopped using both so I don't care but) please note that tasks are supposed to be the calendar tasks, which they've called reminders for a few years and now they're converting back to tasks.

Which is a good example of why I won't touch any of these Google apps anymore, not just because it's Google and I'm trying to get away but also they keep moving stuff around and it's a complete mess. They keep juggling different concepts of notes, shopping lists, todo, tasks, reminders etc.

There are plenty of other apps that choose a lane and stay in it.

What do you use in place of Keep?

Logseq is the best, imho.

There are lots of good options if you're okay with closed/proprietary software, but Logseq is open source, fully featured, in active development, and really smooth to use.

Their business model is to charge $5 USD/mo for using their cloud sync solution, but you can use any other syncing service instead just as easily. It's a small team that only gets under $50K/yr* so far, though, so please subscribe if it's useful for you.

Edit: Oh, and Logseq files are plaintext using mostly standard Markdown, so it's easy to port your data away at any time if you ever decide to migrate to something else.

* That number is just based on my napkin math of their reported subscriber numbers, with some assumptions about distribution of tiers skewing heavily to the low end.

Have you ever found a way to make reminders in Tasks through Google Assistant actually work? When they switched from the Assistant reminders to Tasks, they became so unreliable at showing at the specified time (i.e. "remind me to do ___ at 3pm") that I can't use them anymore.

Ever since that switch, I've just straight up used a discord bot. Hasn't failed me yet!

I don’t really use Tasks from Assistant, more from manually creating them through calendar and emails. I do use Assistant for simple timers and I don’t seem to see them in Tasks?

Yeah, that seems to be a common theme. Creating timers from Assistant still works fine, but anything with Assistant that has to go through Tasks is basically broken :(

I just discovered that in Keep, you can have different shopping lists for different shops, but also you can add a map coordinate to each list so it fuckin reminds you when you walk into that shop!!!!

I wish I could add more than one coordinate though, for shops with different branches

Wait what. You're right. Location-based reminders! I had never bothered to click that in my years of using Keep.

I wouldn't be surprised if they discontinue it like they have with Assistant location based reminders.

Keep is a horrible shopping list app with barely any features qualifying it. There are no categories for groceries that automatically sort your list, no additional notes per item (quantity, etc.) and the usage in the store is just not great as it relies on you reading small text on your phone. Other apps have had far better solutions to this but aren't allowed to be used with Google's assistant anymore...

I used to use it for shopping lists, but then one day assistant said it had moved. I couldn't find it, instructions were unclear so I gave up on shopping lists and keep.

I've been burned many times by Google since then, and they've taken me from a customer with a lot of Google products and services to only a backup email account and that's about it.

I could have sworn that Keep was the initial location for shopping lists when using Assistant before getting moved to Shopping List. Now they're going back?

I grew to prefer Shopping List 😞
My SO doesn't use Keep and will now have to install it if they want to view the household shopping list.