Rule to – 441 points –

Costco loses a good amount of money on the food. The CEO has principles.

The food court and samples is a loss leader, also it anchors people to the perception that Costco is cheap.

They loose money on the hotdog, but gain money on the foot traffic. It’s good for business at the end of the day.

Lose. They lose money.

No, no, you misunderstand, see: they spend all their lose change and while that causes them to loose money on the food, they gain in the long run.

Another is the rotisserie chicken which they put in the back of the store.

True dat. I always wondered why they don’t put the hotdogs in the back to lure people in - like IKEA.

It will be a sad day when they pass. The next in line almost never carries the same principles, they need to "prove themselves" and ruin so much for the customer in the name of profit :(

1 more...

Changing to Pepsi wasn't worth no raising the price. Make it $2 with a coke.


Are you saying they raised it?

Theres a no before raising...

That's how that parses? God damn.

They changed from Coke to Pepsi outside of Atlanta and did not raise the price. I'm saying it wasn't worth the change from Coke to Pepsi and would rather have a $2 hot dog and soda then a dollar fifty hot dog and toxic waste.

I feel like the quality will suffer if the price stays the same forever. Maybe not yet, but some day.