Do scrota have the same wrinkle pattern every time they get cold? to No Stupid – 76 points –

Day to day, yes... Decade to decade, very unlikely.

It would make for a very interesting biometric lock mechanism though...

"... Hold on boys, just need to unlock my phone real quick...."

I think the world is finally ready for teabag authentication.

I hate this concept and that I'm thinking about it but

it might improve hygiene in that area for some people

No chance... The taint stain wipe industry lobbyists are way to powerful and far to rich to let something like that slide...

Integrate taint stain to further salt the scroteprint against possible sackspoofing attacks.

Wrinkles come from crosslinks in the extracellular matrix if I remember correctly (check out AGEs cross links) so I guess the answer would be quite the same.

Ehh, yeah it's pretty consistent.

Are you a scrotal expert?

Ever since I was little boy I wanted to be a scrotal expert, but I never had the balls to do it.

There's only one way to handle this. I think I'm going to start taking daily pictures. I'll report back in a few years.

I think a print would work better. And you can hang them on the wall to confuse and delight guests.