Palestinian Red Crescent says one killed, many wounded by Israeli gunfire at Gaza hospital to World – 174 points –
Palestinian Red Crescent says one killed, many wounded by Israeli gunfire at Gaza hospital

one person was killed and 28 others were wounded in a shooting by Israeli forces at Al-Quds hospital in Gaza, the organisation said.

The majority of the injured were children and two are in critical condition as a result of sniper fire targeting the hospital.

This is sniper fire. In the hands of one of the best-trained and most advanced military force on the planet.

Sniper fire. A sniper - a precision weapon used to take out targets with minimal collateral damage.

So, I wonder, why are there 28 wounded, the majority of them children, in a hospital!, when a sniper is the weapon of choice???

In order to wound 28 people, they were either a terrible shot, or they were deliberately targeting innocents and children.

A sniper is supposed to wait for a clear shot and take it only when absolutely sure. This is absolutely sickening.

So, I wonder, why are there 28 wounded, the majority of them children, in a hospital!, when a sniper is the weapon of choice???


Imagine being sick enough to consider children a target of revenge.

Yea they found charred babies in ovens in burned houses on October 7

Is this the hospital that Hamas was shooting at people running out of it? That one guy in the back with his cane needed some help.

EDIT: that was Rantissi/Al Nusr

This is the best summary I could come up with:

RAMALLAH, Nov 10 (Reuters) - The Palestinian Red Crescent said on Friday that one person was killed and 28 others were wounded in a shooting by Israeli forces at Al-Quds hospital in Gaza, the organisation said.

The majority of the injured were children and two are in critical condition as a result of sniper fire targeting the hospital, a Red Crescent statement said.

Reuters is seeking comment from the Israeli military.

The original article contains 71 words, the summary contains 71 words. Saved 0%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Those Hamas fuckers using innocents. God what a shitty war.

Man, I'm so tired of seeing "human shield" comments. We can't trust Israel's claims when it comes to human shields. They have a track record of lying about it. Check out what happened in the Great March of Return in 2021-- IDF snipers killed 185 unarmed adults and 35 children. Israel claimed each of them were being used as a human shield. However, "human shield" refers to civilian deaths when targeting militants in combat. If all those journalists, medics, children, and unarmed activists were human shields, who were they shielding? Killing that many unarmed protestors would be a war crime, if we bothered to hold a tribunal. Israel is using the fog of war today to make their claims seem reasonable, but just five years ago the IDF showed an undeniable pattern of killing innocent people then lying about it.

Furthermore, if we're going to accept Israel's claims that Hamas is using human shields and their flawed definition of what a "human shield" is, then we also must accept that Israel uses human shields, too. The majority of their military bases are in densely populated areas. Their army broadcasts from a residential tower. The IDF's main HQ is in the middle of a residential and shopping sector in Tel Aviv. Is anyone accusing Israel of using human shields? On the other hand, if Hamas were to level any of those military buildings in residential areas of Israel, is there any doubt in your mind that Hamas would be accused of war crimes?

What this really is is a double standard. Israel uses the "human shield" defense for any civilian they kill in an attempt to give themselves international support under the color of law, but Hamas does not get that privilege and does not attempt to claim it.

The purpose of laws for international war is to create a standard that's applied equally to everyone. Israel (and the US, too) seems to think that standard only applies to their enemies.

oh man hamas are known for being very honourable regarding war crimes. we should defend them.

No one defends Hamas here, but one Evel doesn't give you the moral high ground to do an even bigger evil. I wonder in what world killing 1 civilian is condemned more than killing 10 civilians, destroying their homes, starving them and then telling everyone else oh but he killed this one person.

Israel is supposed to be the side which should try to de-escalate, especially considering the military superiority they have. What we see is quite the opposite.

how would you de-escalate the slaughter of 823 civilians, 276 soldiers, 57 policemen and 10 Shin Bet members, and the capturing of 247 civilians and soldiers, annnd the 100–200 civilians and soldiers missing?

Mind you, these are just current numbers, ever since the attack, it's only been going up as they confirm more and more deceased or missing.

Definitely not by killing 11.000 people, destroying their homes, cutting their electricity, food, water and fuel. And mind you more than 4000 of them are kids.

Oh and your math doesn't work, Israel just updated the number of their casualties on 7th of October to 1200.

But just out of curiousity, at what number of kids we can say, enough is enough, or only Israeli kids matter?

Definitely not by killing 11.000 people, destroying their homes, cutting their electricity, food, water and fuel. And mind you more than 4000 of them are kids.

Gonna need your sources for those claims. If they are the numbers Hamas are using, then I'm not going to believe that. I mean shit, Hamas said they didn't do the 7th of October Massacres and then 24-hours later said that they did do it--not very reliable.

Regardless, Israel has no obligation to supply the state that just attacked them with resources.

Oh and your math doesn’t work, Israel just updated the number of their casualties on 7th of October to 1200.

bruh i literally said that the numbers are changing often. If you want to argue that the casualties are way higher, feel free.

But just out of curiousity, at what number of kids we can say, enough is enough, or only Israeli kids matter?

None, no innocents should die. On the day, Hamas should never have attacked Israel, and Israel should've listened to Egypt's warnings.

On the other hand, if Israel had treated Palestinians respectfully the whole time, Hamas wouldn't exist today. It is kind of naive to blame only one of the sides for this conflict. Plus, just looking at the numbers Israel had killed and injured historically way more Palestinians.

They did so much wrong and I don't see you condemning them about it. In a perfect world this would have not happened but it happened. You can check the human rights violations committed against Palestinians over time, Wikipedia, human rights reports, the UN, etc. but still Israel is playing the victim here, where they are literally the aggressor.

Israel has offered Palestine peace treaties, even willing to make Jerusalem, the capital of their government, into a neutral zone. West Bank was for that, but Hamas responded by launching another terrorist attack. I mean, we can go back further and further in history, saying, "Uhm actually this is who started it", and we'd be all day until we're arguing over cavemen.

I don't like Israel, if that's what you want to hear.

Ah yes, that's why Jerusalem is now their unofficial capital. And seriously if you truly believe Israel is not to blame here you are living in a parallel reality.

Check Wikipedia or any other respecting human rights organisation what they think about the conflict and stop repeating your country's propaganda.

And even if it was all Hamas fault, the military wing is 30K only and you already killed more than 11K believe it or not and destroyed a good chunk of civilian infrastructure and residential buildings, forcibly displacing people, which accounts for war crimes, which by the way are well documented.

Just so we're on the right page, are we referring to the entire almost century-old conflict, or are we referring to the 2023 conflict?

It benefits propagandists to try to arbitrarily reduce the scope of a topic so they can focus on framing things in a way that validates their position.

Conflict didn’t START in 2023. Any suggestion otherwise is either naive or manipulative. The conditions that gave rise to Hamas have existed for decades and the continuation of these conditions will keep this conflict going until one group of extremists gets their genocidal wish. Right now it looks like Likud and other extreme Zionists are the ones getting their genocide.

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Gonna need your sources for those claims. If they are the numbers Hamas are using, then I’m not going to believe that.

Well too bad, because UNICEF does.

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Mind you, these are just current numbers, ever since the attack, it's only been going up as they confirm more and more deceased or missing.

This is actually false, and if you stopped to Google your claims before you posted a comment you would know that. It's kinda silly that you posted incorrect info then asked someone replying to you for sources to back up their claims :)

Israel Lowers Oct. 7 Death Toll Estimate to 1,200

I did source my claim.

You provided a source for "ever since the attack, it's only been going up as they confirm more and more deceased or missing"?

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Here's a thought: don't shoot at hospitals.

So Hamas will just shoot from hospitals without getting any backfire?

That's what they avoid doing, which is why Hamas sets bases up inside hospitals.

They didn't avoid doing it? That's why the story was posted? If they were targeting Hamas, why were the majority of victims children? When they were snipers? Are Israeli snipers really just that shit?

It's not a story. It's coming from an organisation entirely based within Palestine. Until independents verify Red Crescent's claims, it's as reputable as the IDF's claims that they did not.

Remember the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion. Best wait until others can verify these claims.

Does Red Crescent have a history that would make us disbelieve their claims in this situation? They didn't do anything crazy like shoot at and kill innocent, unarmed people two years ago during the Great March of Return then attempt to cover it up by saying they were "human shields" after the fact, right? Because if an organization did something like that, it would be good reason to distrust future claims from that organization.

Thankfully, googling "red crescent great march of return" doesn't show them firing live rounds or tear gas canisters into crowds of peaceful, unarmed protestors, because imagine how bad it would look if you did something like that two years ago then tried to use the same excuse today for attacking a hospital!

Yes, that's my point that their claims are as reputable as IDF's claims.

Just curious, are you ESL? This is twice now in this comment section where it seems like you misunderstand what a comment is saying in a fundamental way

No, just pointing out the absurdity of bias on display.

Claims from organisations inside of Palestine are as reputable as those coming out from Israel.

You may want to find a more direct way to communicate that, then. The way your comments are written makes it seem like you could use some practice at reading comprehension, and maybe a course on the logic of argumentation.

My reading comprehension is just fine, thank you. Any other passive-aggressive remarks you want to make?

Specific and constructive criticism about your actions is only a passive-aggressive remark if you think you are not capable of improving yourself :) have a good one

Is it really an excuse to kill 10 times as many civilians, most of which are children?

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