wayland, not even once

safefel556@sh.itjust.works to Linux@lemmy.ml – -88 points –
Boycott Wayland. It breaks everything!

Let Wayland not destroy everything and then have other people fix the damage it caused.

Here I stopped reading. This can't be more then a salty bullshit post with nothing than unfair assumptions.

The only one that really might have some merit is the argument about portability.

Small communities have a hard time staying up to date. X11 was ported decades ago, when non Linux OSes had more mind share and commercial backing. I doubt anyone could port X11 if that was the new thing mainly developed on Linux today.

This guy don't even understand what Wayland is, but feels comfortable to judge it.

My favorite part is where he admits to being mad without even knowing what Wayland is.

Edit: When I wrote the above, I didn't really realize what Wayland even was, I just noticed that some distributions (like Fedora) started pushing it onto me and things didn't work properly there.

Who are these strange anti Wayland people?

Actual users who always get censored and banned by moderators who also happen to be red hat employees


I'm no fan of redhat, haven't been since Mandrake, but dude put down the tinfoil.

What are you actually talking about? This sound like a conspiracy theory about protocols, where's your head at?

You seem to use the word censor a lot. For someone who who clearly has no idea what freedom of speech means.

Let me give you a clue. Your freedom of speech in no way forces others to provide you with a platform. Just governments not to silence you. Private citizens running web sites are not governments. So have no obligation to support your ideals.

When private community moderators do not want to deal with the opinions you push. They are not removing anything from you. You are failing to sell your ideals in a way that appeals to the people you are trying to force your ideas upon.

If you want to communicate with no limits. Host your own community on your own instance. And hope you do not piss off enough people to be de federated.

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someone jonesing for their daily Windows 11 advertising dosage

Why would i advertise windows if i'm defending x11 you fucking retard. People who spread fud about x11 and blindly advocate for wayland are the ones who want to sabotage linux and make it unusable.

Oh, you're conservative, that makes sense. You just want the things to stay the way they are. I mean, it's the opposite of progress, but there are a lot of people like this.

People who spread fud about x11

Who does that? X11 is ancient. It's a known variable in every possible way. How would you spread FUD about it?

In reality the ones who advocate for Wayland the most are the people who used to thanklessly maintain X...

Doesn't it get tiring to create new accounts only to post the same stuff time and time again, only to get it downvoted, removed, and banned time and time again? What do you get out of it? Do you masturbate to the comment sections?

This OUTDATED article gets posted all the time. The full story is the guy is a massive FreeBSD fan so he is trying to convince more people to keep on using Xorg because he wants to make sure it isn't abandoned. Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.

Edit: Decided to write a response because I'm tired of this ancient and incorrect article being reposted. Please read it, correct any mistakes in the comments, etc. Thank you.

Boycott you instead, dinosaur.

Isn't Linux about freedom? Fucking pick a distro that uses X11 you like and keep X11, or build your own or some crap like that.

Don't worry the red hat moderators will boycott me by issuing a ban

Did you really wake up so early this morning and chose violence?

Dude it's Friday. Leave us alone and go be happy.

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Yes, wayland by design does not let random applications grab events intended for other applications nor does it let random applications take screenshots at any point in time showing other applications screens. This requires applications to do screen sharing differently, and it indeed breaks random applications sending events to random other applications. That is basically all you wail about and an absolutely necessary property of any sensible system and it is very embarrassing that it took so long to get this.

what's up with this? I see this school of thought bandied around quite a bit recently. wayland... it's a protocol. do they hate tcp/ip too? can they boycott that instead?

Imagine taking your unresolved childhood trauma out on Wayland.

And with a throwaway account no less.

This gets posted like once per week and this is inaccurate as shit.

"Wayland is bad, it can't run xorg programs"

Ok but there is an exact copy of the program that is made for Wayland. It's the same argument that Windows users use to discredit Linux .

"Linux is bad because it can't run programs that were made for Windows"

Had me at "References >> 5 years old Chris Titus Tech YouTube video"

I'm not an expert on Wayland vs Xorg, but don't you think it is unfair to not let a new protcol be given some time to improve?

It had 15 years to improve. You could write a new operating system in that time.

It already has improved. You're just very ignorant in your idealism. I've used it at home and for work for at least 6 years now and the problems have honestly been way less than expected for an X replacement. Screensharing was probably the biggest hurdle initially, but even that has worked for quite some time now. The last remaining issues are pretty much down to individual applications.

You could not write an operating system even remotely comparable to Linux in that time with the ressources the Wayland devs had available.

LOL x11 was created in 1984. I started with it in 1994. By 2000 it was still a long long way from perfect. Heck that is why wayland x12 is created. Because x11 has some old fasioned ideas that really do not fit so well today.

As for making an OS in that time. Well microsoft seems to have taken way longer then 15 years. And few would ever say they are perfect.

Honestly I am far from a wayland fan. I do not consider it a valid replacement for x11 yet. I also use Nvidia. But it is and will get there. Likly just in time for folks to start wanting a replacement. That is sorta how this stuff goes in the FOSS Operating system development cycle.