AirJet makes a MacBook Air perform like a MacBook Pro to – 78 points –
AirJet makes a MacBook Air perform like a MacBook Pro

Kinda funny that the MacBook Air isn't well ventilated

Ah. But does it also make 8gb in a mac perform like 16gb on another platform?

It's so bad. I have one because it was free. Firefox alone makes it max out, stutter, and lag on a 8GB model.

My laptop from 10 years ago had 16GB... I don't know wtf is going on with this. ARM does not make it better, Apple. Like, seriously, fuck you.

Most amazing thing Apple managed to do is convince fans that is how computers should behave and that's the best there is and everything else is worse in comparison.

I mean… I know dae Apple bad, but yeah… an 8GB RAM mac performs better than a 16GB Windows machine.

Linux on the other hand, nah.

This is 100% bullshit. Seriously, it's wrong. I have one, and you are wrong.

Lawl I work in tech, and your comment (which lacks any sort of meaningful substance) is wrong and hilarious.

You have what? A PC? A Mac? An emac? Linux? A phone? How much RAM in each? What processor? Are they running on SSDs? What’s wrong?

Ehhhh I’m done responding to children this morning. Some of the worst kinds of redditors came over, and I think you’re that kind of Redditor.

Came here to say this. I know folks want to hate on Apple, and I do think that 16GB should ship in every Pro monikered machine, but 8GB of RAM in the M series packages is not the same as two 4GB DDR4/DDR5 RAM sticks in your laptop or desktop Windows machine. The hardware architecture inherently uses the RAM more efficiently, as does the OS written to target this hardware.

But, again, Apple should up the base RAM.

This is emphatically wrong. So wrong I'm wincing... Why on earth do you believe this? I use a 8gb m1 daily and it is utter trash.

What are you on about? Somewhere else you said that Firefox alone causes “your” 8gb Mac to stutter.

That’s bull.

My personal Mac is a 32GB Macbook Pro, but we have an 8GB M1 iMac in our house that I actually use frequently. We picked it up as an open box item at Best Buy about a month after it came out. Just a couple of weeks ago I edited a wedding video on it when I’d accidentally left my Macbook at a friends house about an hour away. Final Cut handled three streams of 4k video just fine on 8GB. We are constantly using it as the primary slicer for files for our 3D printer. My kids run games on it using both Dolphin and Wine without issues.

And I’m not the only person who has done these things. There are people all over YouTube (especially two years ago) who were benchmarking and using the entry level M1 Macs for things just like this without the issues you are describing.

Just one very early example:

If you genuinely can’t even run Firefox without performance issues there’s something wrong with your machine specifically.

16GB abso should be minimum for a PRO model, full agree there.

It’s just so funny to me how many people are like 8GB IS SO SLOW AND BAD AND UNUSABLE which is… not even really true for Windows. I have found four different people inexpensive 8GB Windows machines for daily use.

But OSX is so efficient with RAM, it’s completely usable for even more intensive things.

Name a model “pro”? Just fuckin put 16GB in it lawl

My 2011 MBP has 16GB and a SSD.

Wtf?! Who buys a 8 gb windows machine in 2023? Really... Who?! My TEN YEAR OLD laptop that died last month was 16gb. WHY would anyone ever even SELL a 8gb model in 2023?

Idk all of them were under 400USD, have i3-i5s, and have solid state drives. THEY RUN FINE.

How the fuck are you getting so worked up about quantity of RAM in laptops for old people?

Are you a child?

How the FUCK is 16GB RAM going to benefit gramps’ CRAIGSLIST BROWSING, or SORTING PHOTOGRAPHS?

How are you so fucking worked up about this? You’re an insane person with zero worldview


"AirJet isn’t a consumer product–consumers can’t buy it and modify their own MacBook Air, nor does Frore plan to create a kit for consumer sale. Frore’s MacBook Air demo is a proof of concept that it can be beneficial in a MacBook."

Soooo... "Dear Apple... NOTICE UUUUUSSSSS!!!!"

It sounds like they want to be acquired, and if their tech is as good as this article makes it seem, maybe Apple should. :)

Or they will "steal" it and drain the company in court.

They have their stuff patented. Even apple wouldn't touch that

No one needs to buy a rival or steal their tech anymore. Just get them to launch on the stock exchanges and then destroy them with your wallstreet buddies right there with some good old short and distort and cellar boxing, etc.

Apple buys companies like this all the time. Purchasing a company of this size would be like you or I opting for an extra shot of espresso at a coffee shop to them: trivial with significant competitive advantage.

That’s not what that word means in the context you’re implying it. Also Apple hasn’t been shy about acquiring companies for their tech.

A pro is same as an air but with a fan so its not throttled.

Also these drain battery so unless integrated by apple its useless


Itemized invoice:

Fan $ 7
Design & overhead to incorporate fan into design $ 13
Value of increased performance, as judged by the accounting department $480

Don't forget markup price. You pay for that fan!

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