bite rule to – 258 points –

My partner doesn't understand the urge. He says silly things like "why do you want to bite me" and "please stop ambushing my with your mouth." He often retaliates by slobbering all over me, which is gross and yucky. How do I make him understand I'm not in control of the urge, and that I need to be satiated?

Try to make an analogy to a dog or cat. They have biting needs and we give them appropriate toys to satiate that craving. They just needs to accept that they're the only toy that can satiated your natural instincts.

"You got to understand, you just need to accept that you're the only toy that can satiate my natural instincts"

so true bestie. sometimes i wish i had a partner so that i could give them love bites. and for some reason i also want to, like, actually bite off a piece of their flesh. and eat it. i dont know why

That's why my girlfriend bites me THAT hard. Ouch