rule to – 513 points –

Like "Damnnnnnnnn that's a good price"


"Damnnnnnnnn you must be outcho mind if you think Imma pay that much"


Here's a more important question: Who's out there elongating the N sound on "damn"?

I don't know I was just trying to emulate the original post but they did the M. really it should be the A that is elongated.

Yea i just thought it was funny that the silent letter is the one you dragged out, lol

Now that you say it, I often see people write "hereeeeee" or "lameeeee" to make the vowel sound longer, which never made sense to me. Maybe they repeat the last letter, even if it's silent, because it doesn't interrupt the flow of their writing as much as extra letters in the middle of a word?

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Can you say daaaaaaaaamn?

Omg thank you this shit drives me crazy when people accentuate the wrong letter. The one that gets me the most is shitttttt. Like it makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

You pronounce each T separately, like an engine sputtering

Damn, that's one way to fight inflation.