BBC News presenter Maryam Moshiri apologizes after flipping the middle finger live on air

Lee to World – 133 points –
BBC News presenter Maryam Moshiri apologizes after flipping the middle finger live on air

Meh. Good for her for being a human being and not an automaton.

Yeah only uptight idiots would have a problem with this. Though in the US she'd probably be fired.

Yeah, I'd imagine only losers would have an issue with this.

They're blurring her middle finger, but since it's generally ok to show that particular finger as long as the other fingers are visible, maybe instead they should have blurred the areas on either side where the other fingers aren't.

why did she do that in first place? what's the context? was she angery or joking?

They were joking around on set before the live program started, and either the festivities ran into airtime, or someone in the control room cut to her feed too soon.

Let me provide an example which I think captures the spirit of the interaction that took place on this fateful day:

Greg: Ay yo Jimmy boy!

Jimmy looks up, notices his friend Greg, flips him the bird.

Sounds about right. Similar to, hey Jimmy, Jimmy says what, Greg says fuck you.

Haha, hell yeah. She shouldn't even sweat it.

IF she was justified in doing it,

THEN I've no problem with it.

A bit of honesty in mass-media would be refreshing, you know??

: )

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