Wagner Boss Says He’s En Route to Moscow and ‘Ready to Die’ With 25,000 Fighterslocked

BotIt@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 30 points –
Kremlin Caves to Wagner Boss and Drops Charges—but Says He'll Be Leaving the Country

Moscow has announced an “anti-terrorist operation” as the mercenary group says it’s engaging in battles with the regular Russian military.


So Putin has been paying Nazis to fight Nazis and some of those Nazis are planing a coup against him.

The West has also been supporting Nazis to fight Nazis.

And now in America Nazis are coming out again and are doing Nazi things.

As someone who lives in Illinois “I hate Illinois Nazis.”

As someone who lives in Illinois “I hate Illinois Nazis.”

As someone who lives on the world, “I hate nazis.”

This is my first comment on the first post I opened up since finding and immigrating a few minutes ago.

Men who send other men to die for shits and giggles deserve to experience every death firsthand themselves, over and over again

I too believe that every westerner who voted to support their wars of aggression to be tortured to death.

I don't approve of his Gitmo torture policy. But I'm itching for that upperclass tax cut!!!

(Votes Bush)

Calm down there Caligula.

A lot of people here apparently upset at the idea of being held to the same standard as they have for others.

No. You're just being hypocritical and extremist. They want the people responsible to face consequences. You want those who voted regardless of circumstances to be tortured to death. There's a slight difference.

Now I'd definitely argue that westerners should be more exposed to the results of their leaders policies. Just like Russia's citizens should. But why would you wish death on a group of people with many likely allies for yourself.


Vladimir Putin made an extraordinary address to the nation on Saturday morning admitting that he was facing an armed insurrection led by former confidante Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner mercenaries. After months of feuding between the mercenary boss and Russia's Defense Ministry, things came to a head Friday when Prigozhin accused the Russian military of ordering a rocket strike on a camp full of his men, and vowed merciless revenge. Within hours, the Prosecutor General's Office announced charges against Prigozhin for attempting to incite an armed rebellion, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of 20 years behind bars. Prigozhin showed no sign of backing down, instead releasing a series of audio messages via his press service late Friday in which he accused the Defense Ministry of deploying fighter jets to shoot at Wagner vehicles in the Rostov region and of firing at civilians on Russian territory. While the drama between Moscow and Prigozhin played out, Ukrainian officials announced Friday their forces had retaken eight villages from Russian control as part of their first counteroffensive.

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Pizza Hut in Arlington is going to be busy the next couple of days.

Update: Wagner is claiming control of a Military HQ and an airfield in Rostov, Russia. Demanding an audience with the top 2 Russian military heads. He demands that the two leaders BE BROUGHT TO HIM or he will continue to hold the HQ.... It may be a while before we get another update.

I don‘t think this guy in charge of Russia or their army would be any good either, but I hope he could at least make some more Russians question the current course.

isn't wagner the group that spread gore videos on the internet, were they brutalized their victims

We all know how this is gonna end. Prigozhin marches his 25,000 troops into Moscow, faces stiff resistance and is either killed in combat or captured.

Putin then goes full Vlad the Impaler and parades his corpse skewered on a pike for all of Russia to see, as a stark reminder of what happens to rebels.

This is a substantial setback for the Russian war effort, but I really cannot see Prigozhin overthrowing Putin. Best thing he could have done was defect to the West instead of try to depose the figurehead.

He is pissing on a hornet's nest.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter who wins or loses this battle. Either way, Ukraine wins.

Wagner was the only Russian force I regularly saw succeeding in the headlines. Without them bolstering the Russian military and in fact detracting from and wasting the resources of the Russian military, the whole house of cards is going to start falling.

Yea I'm not too in the loop on this topic, but following, and I'd like to think I understand people, especially bad people, and if anything this just acts as a destabilizer for putins power consolidation, and that is good for Ukraine regardless whether both parties are pos, which they are.

The thing that's worth thinking about is that most of the Russian people can't really resist Putin because the military are all on his side and put down protests.

But if the military would have switched sides they'd be far less inclined to put down protests against Putin. Theoretically this could lead to a full on Rebellion.

I'm wondering if and how things will change when it gets to their door step, as far as the Russian people vs Russian military dynamic goes. I'm not gonna pretend im in the know, culturally, and all the nuance, but I'm learning more following the story. Thanks for that insight.

After seeing how much of a coward Putin is I have a hard time seeing him be anything more than an opportunist who takes easy cheap shots. He is out if his league now.

What are the odds Putin is still around in one month? This shit is fucking nuts.

I would say high. It appears Progozian is saying this is all Shoigu's fault and Putin needs to replace him with Progozian. I imagine they'll use this as an excuse to retreat from Ukraine and sacrifice Shoigu as the reason for the invasion.

Honestly, if this gives the Ukrainian's their land back and peace I'm all for it. I care less about the evil of the world getting their cumuppance rather than the innocent getting to live happily.

Ok, I have a huge and unlikely bingo card: what if Lukashenko is now allied with Prigozhin and is using that to take control of Russia and finally complete his dream of ruling the USSR again?

That's a fun theory. He can finally be colonel.

Oh shit...

Lukashenka had talks with Prigozhin, agreed to halt Wagner PMC advance https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/24-june-lukashenka-had-talks-with-prigozhin-agreed-to-halt

Is there a source for this somewhere? I'm seeing reports that he fled to Turkey. Trying to figure out if this is the darkest timeline or the brightest..

(No shade to you, thanks for sharing it. Just wanna see the news orgs pick up on it Edit: BBC is on it

Sorry I missed your comment. By now you may have seen more news about the situation.

But don't ask me how this makes sense, I am as lost as you on what happened today. One could hope that there is a hidden logic and we will learn more about this in history lessons, but this being the result of pure chaos is a completely valid option at this point.

Do people really believe this third rate propaganda?

Damn the rest of the world been so afraid to do this and Wagner just swooped on in and took it... lmao

I mean, a state actor making an offensive move on Russia is a very different thing than a mercenary group doing the same. I’m not sure that “afraid” is the word I would use here.