Javier Milei’s government announces plan to crack down on Argentina protests

alphacyberranger@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 137 points –
Javier Milei’s government announces plan to crack down on Argentina protests

Already starting to lose democratic rights I see. Wasn't that guy supposed to be a so called libertarian? I thought they hailed themselves as these bastions of freedom in politics.

When the crisis hits (which in Argentina's case is the default status) and the contradictions heighten, libertarians eventually have to choose between free markets or free people.

And the "free helicopter rides" jokes they've been making for the last decade tells me how wrong they tend to choose.

That last thing is only from Hans-Hermann Hoppe fans circles. They are not strictly ancaps even.

There's the name "paleolibertarian" for them, which I'm not sure is correct, stuff like "genetic aristocracy" doesn't seem libertarian at all for me.

I thought that guy was supposed to be "Anarcho"?

Anyone who claims to be anarcho ”against large entrenched far reaching systems of governance”. But then in the same breath admits that they are capitalist ”a system requiring large far-reaching structures to protect the wealth of the privileged, and oppress those who aren't”. Is never the former, rarely the latter, but always a liar. Wasn't one of this chuckle fucks first moves to condense a bunch of different parts of their government into one much larger, much less efficient one. Something about human capital?

Anyone else member learning about human capital in the United States? I member. There was some big war about it a little over 150 years ago. I don't think it worked out so well. I think that's just one of those lessons though that greed won't allow a person to learn.

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it's not a right wing government without deadly crackdowns against dissent

If you ever even visited Buenos Aires for a few days, you'd know these protests are astroturfed. Opposition will fill busses from the villas miserias (equivalent to favelas) and flood the streets and gridlock the capital for hours. It happens so often that its become a regular nuisance. A lot of these people don't work and are on social plans. They are essentially used as a foot army by the peronistas to manipulate political power.

I'm not saying this to justify whats going on, but giving people context.

it's also not a right wing government without people insisting that all the noise is just poor people who should be ignored

Uhhh.. Milei’s been in office for what, a week? Are you saying the “Peronistas” were driving people in to protest their own government?

Bruh. Yes. Remember there were protests against Trump before he was even president?

Yeah except those protests were not astroturfed, just people with valid complaints.

And they were right.

Sure, but that's not my point. The comment I was replying tried to dismiss what I said because apparently it's impossible for people to protest someone who hasn't taken office yet.

No, my comment was questioning whether a political party would bus protestors in to protest their own party, not claiming that there weren’t any protests at all.

EDIT: I was assuming these protests were happening for months. That said, I can see that they could be protesting the election results, so the time between the election and the swearing in.

Because Trump said what he was going tk do and people didn't like. He didn't even win the majority and had revealed himself tk he racist and sexist, of course people were going to protest him.

“The guarantor protocol of Nilda Garré is repealed,” stated Bullrich at the end of her press conference, in reference to the rules governing police actions in the face of protests that was installed in 2011 during the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Garré, who was Minister of Security at the time, established some basic rules of engagement during demonstrations, such as police intervention being deployed in a “progressive” manner, starting with dialogue with the organizers of the protest. The Garré protocol also established the prohibition of officers who might come into direct contact with the demonstrators from carrying firearms, that rubber bullets could only be used “for defensive purposes,” that all officers and their vehicles should be visibly identified, and that the police should guarantee free news coverage of protests without preventing journalists from taking testimonies and photographs. What the repeal of this protocol would entail remains unclear.

Emphasis mine. It's pretty clear the consequences will be crackdowns on protesters.

Milei is a Thatcherite.

I anticipate things are going to get ugly in Argentina... horrible direction to see.

Too late for ugly. Uglier though is almost assured. I just hope people make it out of this relatively unscathed. Unfortunately we as human beings struggle to learn from our mistakes without seriously injuring ourselves.

I guess we might not end up seeing the inevitable catastrophic economic results from Milei's "platform." Maybe we'll see him chased off via mass protests before his dream is fully realized?