Hermes billionaire to leave £5bn to former gardener

Lee to World – 123 points –
Hermes billionaire to leave £5bn to former gardener

Sounds like a secret affair with the gardener

That’s exactly what happened and it’s not secret. They are referred to in some publications as ‘the couple’.

Where did you see that they were a couple?

The newspaper said the unnamed Moroccan man is married to a woman of Spanish origin with two children, and that Mr Puech refers to them as his “children”, “daughter-in-law” and “adopted son”.

It said he was particularly touched at the way they looked after him during the Covid pandemic.

Sounds like he's a reclusive hermit who inherited family wealth, and wants to give it to the only friends/family he has.

And, of course, the only people he thinks are in need and "deserve" it are the few members of the unwashed masses he interacted with on a daily basis that he views as worthy of his unearned fortune.

Reclusive hermit

has 1 chosen "family" that took care of him and loved him

leaves half his fortune to that family

confusing innit?

...creating yet another billionaire, who, like all the others, didn't earn that money. As is tradition.

That guy earned it by gardening

There is no mathematical way for his work to be worth 5 billion, not even if he had magical powers and turned the whole garden into pure gold in the process. Not if he worked for 500 years straight, every day, without a break.

A billion is such a fantastically large number people can’t relate to how much more it is than any normal job pays in wages.

He worked and apparently someone valued his work plus presence plus...😉 For billions. He won it.

If you can get paid for your efforts, your product, and someone values it, then that's what it's worth.

Technically he’s also removing himself in the process, so nil sum gain.

Way to deliberately miss the point.. I said "creating" not "adding", it isn't about the number of billionaires, but how they become that.

And you missed my point - it’s migrating value, not creating new value. Anyway, being pedantic also misses the point - we should take up gardening. 👍

And then he will lose it all,

Your oligarch dick sucking aside, the nice thing about losing 99% of five billion dollars is that still leaves you fifty million dollars.