Florida GOP Lawmaker Proposes ‘Don’t Display Gay’ Bill to Ban Pride Flag From Government Properties

Simmumah@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 280 points –
Florida GOP Lawmaker Proposes ‘Don’t Display Gay’ Bill to Ban Pride Flag From Government Properties

I’d like to propose “don’t display treason” bill to ban fucking elephant logo and MAGA hats from everywhere

I legitimately do not understand how this is the most important thing to focus on for these fucks. People are struggling right now and some cannot afford to even live paycheck to paycheck and these assholes are worried about pride flags. Someone please make it make sense…

They’re making culture war noise because they have no solutions for actual problems. They’re using the hatred and bullshit to distract their base from realizing whose actually hurting them.

Oh they have solutions, but they are solutions that favor the incremental luxury of the few over the needs of the many.

But yeah the culture war smoke screen is old reliable.

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Going after vulnerable minorities is kinda what fascists do.

Your understanding relies on the assumption that politicians are elected to help people rather than generate distractions and profit.

I legitimately do not understand how this is the most important thing to focus on for these fucks.

Let me help you with that:


We are talking about it aren't we? No one is talking about the comptroller in his district making sure the bills get paid, garbage gets picked up, teachers don't strike, and that weird smell coming out of a pothole is looked at by sanitation.

When I was about 11 I was doing something wrong and the teacher yelled my name. And it clicked that this was the only time he had said my name in who knows how many days. It actually stopped me for a moment. I saw it clearly. If no one ever saw me doing something wrong no one would know I was there.

I have never forgotten that moment. The stunning realization of where I stood with people around me.

So yeah here we are talking about someone who effectively none of the human race would notice if he dropped dead. For a politician fame is currency.

It's all they can do to rile up and mobilize their base. The only thing that matters to them is winning elections.

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The next bill from Florida GOP will be “Don’t Be Gay”

Yeah, that's literally the plan. Read through the introduction of Project 2025. It's scary stuff

The most important thing we can do, among all the important things, is crush a marginalized group. Screw all the other problems. This one is absolutely key.

Why don't they just skip to the part where they criminalize any acknowledgement of the existence of homosexuality in public?
The frog in a pot thing only works the frog doesn't know how it ends.

Conservatives aren't real big on change of you haven't noticed. It's working for them too so why switch anything up lol

Fun fact: it only takes a few people pissing on a person’s car/truck’s door handle before they get paranoid and wonder if they touched piss every time they get in their vehicle.

Fun fact. Fecal matter is everywhere outside. Blown around on the wind as it is.

They’re breathing shit everytime they step outside. (And every time they flush,, but details.)

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For what it's worth the chairman of the Florida Republican party had a threesome with two women(his wife and another).. which while not gay, is more gay than traditional missionary conservative sex.

Not sure any taxpayer funded entity should fly any flag except the state flag and the United States flag.

OTOH, what does this accomplish? All it does is hurt Florida. These antics have already driven away tourism, business, conventions, etc.

And he's not buying any additional votes. All bullshit like this can do is lose votes.

And why are liberals on the attack? There's plenty of evidence of lost dollars to the state over the gay hate. Can we not execute a full-frontal attack on this?

Government buildings, including USPS facilities, also fly other flags. The POW/MIA flag can still be seen.

Unlike those, Pride flags are usually only flown during Pride, and sometimes after an attack on the community like the Pulse nightclub. It is intended to show inclusion and solidarity.

It’s among the zero-to-low-cost actions government officials can take, even though they’re not required to. By banning it, they’re not only showing (once again) that there’s no such thing as a conservative ideal of smaller and more local governments.

$20 says he’s really into getting spit-roasted by big hairy bears.

There’s nothing wrong with this of course, but his inevitable hypocrisy is why we can’t have nice things.

How can Conservatives not be just so tired of these obvious loser bills and politicians? This is going to be struck down by the courts (if it even passes), like every other attempt to target non-cis-het, white, fundigelical Christians.

It’s Florida. It’ll get passed.

That's going to help with their Skyrocketing Insurance!