Iran arms Hezbollah ahead of wider conflict with Israel to World – 165 points –
Iran arms Hezbollah ahead of wider conflict with Israel

Advanced weapons include precise missiles, surface to air missiles and air defenses transported mostly via Damascus airport which has come under repeated strikes attributed to Israel

As the U.S. was supplying Israel with military aid, so is Iran delivering weapons to its regional allies, in transports through the Damascus airport mostly, while other weapons transports arrive through other locations.

The frequent strikes on Syria in recent days, attributed to Israel, were for the most part intended to thwart such transfers from Iran, that were meant to increase the number of precise missiles, anti-tank missiles and air defenses including the Iranian made surface to air 358 missiles also called SA-67) that can intercept drones, planes low flying aircraft and missiles, available to Hezbollah.

Iran had already supplied its Lebanese proxy with a substantial stock of missiles which have been used by Hezbollah against Israeli drones recently but have thus far failed to shoot any down. Israel has been able to intercept the 358 missiles using its air defenses.


  1. fuck hamas
  2. fuck khamenei
  3. fuck netanyahu

also fuck assad, for good measure.

with that out of the way, ynet and jpost consistently drop these alarmist takes and rarely back up their claims with sources. now, i don’t doubt the shipment itself, nor israel’s awareness of it. but i can’t find a single other source reporting on this specific alleged escalation into a wider conflict, just ynet. if i had to wager a guess? because iran is continuously investing in their satellite groups. primarily hezbollah, hamas and the houthies, but certainly others, too. arms, funding, training, likely logistics support as well. especially now.

idk, the whole article just reads like padding to diminish that small part about bombing the fuck out of a neighboring country, on one of the last functional airports in the country, causing more devastation to lives and spreading their vengeance-fueled rampage out as far as they possibly can.

Iran is biden legacy. He need to start a war otherwise he will never be remembered as president.

So you’re just gonna entirely ignore the fact that relations were slowly moving in the right direction during the late Obama years and that Trump basically flipped the table and reset everything to being fully hostile?

I also don't think legacy chasing is really on the docket at this point, seems a history filled Presidency already

Tbh, wasn’t really trying to legacy chase; just pointing out that this particular failure isn’t reasonable to put entirely at Biden’s feet.

To be clear: I ended up being deeply disappointed in Obama on a lot of things, and am not trying to cheerlead. Also, I’m no fan of Biden, but he’s sure as shit better than Trump.

Here is how it goes with US president.

One make it easy for Iran to build their nuclear power. The next butcher the deals - accelerate nuclear progress. The next says will, the last president fucked up but now we have to go to war.

It is the same cycle for many different things. The only people who benefit from this in the middle east are weapons manufacturers and Isreal.

Since Biden took office they been blaming Iran more frequently than usual which to me seems to indicate an attempt at justification for an attack.

Starting to feel like the whole middle East is going to be at war soon . I'm sure it's going to get even messier soon .

More like the whole world. Damn, this is getting really scary.

It definitely does not bode well, and the U.S. will definitely get dragged in at some point.

Get dragged? US is already dousing the fire with most flammable assets, and also stoking it as hard as it can by giving Israel blank checks in any use of US weapons, forcing a "they deserve it" narrative on Palestinian genocide and land grab, pressuring its western allies to turn a completely blind eye and just say "Hamas is the only bad guy here" so making them an uncompromising block.

It could have turned out to be a mass murder of Israeli civilians, a hostage situation the can be diplomatically defused, then appropriate repercussions, maybe the same old oppression going on in Gaza for decades, and actual targeting of Hamas leaders. Instead, we have your fucking oil industry governed military industry executed facade of a civilized country leading every situation to a bloodbath.

What US interest in the Middle East left anyway? Is it time for gobbling Iranian petrol yet? So the US oil lobby can continue its planet-fuckery emissions full speed?

The US reluctantly dragged into war.

By the brothers Grimm.

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Seems like the root many of the problems in the middle east pretty much all lie with Iran, especially its murderous elders who donate weapons and train various paramilitary and terrorist organizations. Seems like a huge thorn in the side for that entire region.

Surely America didn't overthrow their previous moderate democratic government in favor of a religious group because the previous government didn't want to let them control all the oil supplies.

Operation Ajax

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, was the U.S.- and British-instigated, Iranian army-led overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the shah,

Mosaddegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP), to verify that AIOC was paying the contracted royalties to Iran, and to limit the company's control over Iranian oil reserves.

Upon the AIOC's refusal to cooperate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry

The real root problem is Israel. During the Iran-Iraq war, they helped out Iran while the US helped out Iraq so that they could maximize the number of deaths. The US then fought Iraq for the sake of Israel, twice. The US also destroyed Libya, Syria, Somalia, etc for the sake of Israel. Countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia think they're clever in that they could curry favor with Israel, but after the other countries are destroyed, these idiots are next. So yeah, the real problem is Israel, it's a cancer in the region and we're seeing the rapid expansion of their "lebensraum" plan right now, with the excuse of "self defense" which only idiots are still buying at this point.

Iran needs to stay the hell out of this. The more they're involved, the more Israel bombs their neighbors.

Lebanon was at relative peace until Hezbollah started stirring shit with Israel. Now I feel like it's going to hit the fan. And Lebanon really doesn't need this right now.

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