Breakfast of rule

Baggins [he/him] to – 400 points –

Leftover pizza is and always has been a valid breakfast choice, and I'm not going to be the kind of pedant who says that's fine but other pizza isn't allowed.

Completely unrelated, I ate half of a pizza for breakfast today.

I was expressly told by a reliable source that when pizza is on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime.

When pizza’s on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime. Any time. Breakfast, dinner, November 5 1955, July 3 2142, the late Mesozoic, the moment that the sun engulfs the earth. You can eat pizza any time.

There are worse things to eat for breakfast.

Yeah, bagel bites have more vitamins and protein than donuts that's for sure. Not much in the way of fiber, but less sugar too. So overall a much better choice lol.

I have a feeling pizza rolls would be pretty popular in the shire, especially after the second breakfast hobbit leaf pipe.

I mean doesn't everyone want to burn the roof of their mouth for breakfast?

I'm an adult. If I want bagel bites for breakfast, I'm having bagel bites for breakfast.

Been there. Not my proudest moment. But not shameful either. 6/10. Had a lot worse breakfasts.