CNN Runs Gaza Coverage Past Jerusalem Team Operating Under Shadow of IDF Censor to – 286 points –
CNN Runs Gaza Coverage Past Jerusalem Team Operating Under Shadow of IDF Censor


Every CNN journalist covering Israel and Palestine must submit their work for review by the news organization’s bureau in Jerusalem prior to publication, under a long-standing CNN policy. While CNN says the policy is meant to ensure accuracy in reporting on a polarizing subject, it means that much of the network’s recent coverage of the war in Gaza — and its reverberations around the world — has been shaped by journalists who operate under the shadow of the country’s military censor.

The CNN staff member described how the policy works in practice. “‘War-crime’ and ‘genocide’ are taboo words,” the person said. “Israeli bombings in Gaza will be reported as ‘blasts’ attributed to nobody, until the Israeli military weighs in to either accept or deny responsibility. Quotes and information provided by Israeli army and government officials tend to be approved quickly, while those from Palestinians tend to be heavily scrutinized and slowly processed.”


CNN cannot claim to be a news organization if it is operating under this arrangement, especially without disclosing it with every single relevant report that it issues.

I used to really respect and value CNN, but after the recent-ish leadership change I don't see much value in their reporting

This is an easy fix: stop reading CNN. I am of course assuming that you have already realized "watching" the news is like asking your parents to read you a story, and letting them choose every story. That's not news, that's entertainment and it's not very entertaining. Go read what the journalists are writing, and try to read a lot of them.

Spot on hot take, thank you

It's just ennervating to keep reading people complain that TV "news" is biased. There's no such thing at a television news organization, pure and simple.

That a fancy way to say it's simply pro Israel propaganda. Hamas sucks but this is still propaganda.

But the mods keep telling me that these mainstream MBFC rated outlets are really trustworthy

It's not the Jews controlling the media it was Isreal the whole time! So close conspiracy boys!

I know it sure sounds like Israel has a lot of push over everything. Speak out against Israel as an actor you basically get black listed do the same or worse against Gaza and nothing.

Corporation playing corporation games. Similar things were done with embedded journalists during recent American wars.

The intercept sure does find ways to twist everything it can.

This is such outrage bait. This is pretty much every news desk's policy.

Omg, imagine waiting to report responsibility for a bombing until the defense agency holds a briefing? Imagine relying heavily and approving the copy quickly on, checks notes, official statements from the government?

"Operates under the shadow of"? Wtf does that mean?

Press have to sign agreements before being issued a press pass? Omg no way? Is that not true everywhere?

Is it that common? They do the same when reporting from China or Russia? Get a story approved first by officials and only picking one side of the story?

Why would anyone wait to hear the words of liars? Who cares what propaganda angle Israel wants to make “official” from their end.

Umm, no there is not a government agency in this country (US) that provides "oversight" of journalists in order to ensure "responsible" reporting. Some organizations put up with that as a way of operating in certain countries, but you should definitely always be looking for sources that DO NOT. That is not a free press.

But in this case CNN is requiring this themselves. reputable news organizations don't have the regional bureau okay the stories.

You misread the article and my post. Keep it up!

Definitely didn't misread the article. Maybe you're misunderstanding it?