Missouri’s top election official threatens to remove Biden from 2024 ballot

flyingsheep@lemmyhub.com to News@lemmy.world – 114 points –
Missouri’s top election official threatens to remove Biden from 2024 ballot

That guy looks like he was breastfed until he was 14.

"if your not careful we will start enforcing the law on your guys too!"

Wow, what a zinger. I'm sure everyone is scared of that happening.

I wonder what he thinks Bidens crime is. Ah yeah, an "invasion" from the southern border. So not treason at all, just the usual made up scare mongering.

You weren't really expecting logic or reason, right?

Yeah, Biden is always committing insurrections left and right. Like just the other day he did one. BoTh SiDeS!!11

I wish Biden would sue him for defamation.

Or just have him arrested for treason, he is attempting to give aid to Trump, who tried to use fake electors in an attempt to steal the presidency. I would list anyone who tries to steal the presidency as an enemy of the state.

He can sit on those charges until a judge gives conviction. (I doubt there would be bail on a treason charge, and the only out if convicted would be a federal pardon)

It would put a stop to that malarkey real quick

That's a fair bit more serious, and much harder to prove. To convict this guy of treason, you would also need to convict Trump of treason, and both would need to be proven beyond reasonable doubt - ie it is more than 99% certainly true.

Defamation is a civil claim, which means it is decided on the balance of probabilities. This means whichever side tips the argument past 50%.

would be nice if someone started using the organs of government to punish traitors and crooks

I'm cool with fast forwarding to the phase where it's socially acceptable to shoot fascists.

I'm not, because no one with a gun should be able to decide who is and is not accetable to shoot.