The giga crystal to Lemmy – 641 points –

Sadly we all know at least one person who would, with a straight face and not a hint of irony, proclaim this to be real. 🤦

6...I know 6 people who despite seemingly being rational would see noting wrong with this....

Holy fuck, I’m sorry for your situation. I undoubtedly know someone who thinks this way; I’m just unaware of anyone who does. Six openly sharing such beliefs is alarming.

They're family too, 4 of em anyway, 2 are coworkers, easy enough to just not engage with family, but coworkers is a different matter...

The only crime here is that moustache

The crime is the clearly weighted d20 he’s going to try to bring to the game on Friday night claiming he only wants to use his own dice for his character.

Protip: you can quickly check a bunch of plastic dice for bias by floating them in a cup of salt water and rolling them around.

True. Unfortunately psychic damage legislation has fallen woefully behind 😔 hopefully the next archmage election changes all that

Prepare to get brain blasted

Is there anywhere that hat can be purchased?

Uh...I'm asking for a friend, because I definitely would not wear this just to alienate obnoxious people.

Ask Otto von Schirach, fairly confident he's the guy wearing it

What kind of hack is op if a freaking rock is an insurmountable enemy?

If that person really believes in the post, don't waste any energy or effort to save him or her...

Would be hard to defeat such a crystal, but this seems a little nihilistic. With a proper Faraday cage and a big enough drum circle, I think there is a chance.

The trick is to put the attacker in the cage, and then have the drum circle beat on them.

Have we experimented with drum hexagons or any other sorts of shapes?

Oh so _that's_how they see crystals. And here all this time I've just been chucking them at people's heads..