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It's A Faaaahhkeah! to Lemmy – 292 points –

Holy shit, this is for real. The last post I saw with this guy, I thought it might be a eurojoke I didn't quite understand, like the ramen on head memes, but oh nooooooo. ʘ‿ʘ

Really enjoying how much of a global user base there is here. Maybe 10% of the content I see in All are posts I don’t even know where to start with. Like the ramen heads, I could google it, but it’s kinda neat to see a meme evolve while understanding nothing about it.

The ramen heads is just a single guy who calls himself instantnoodles. He puts instantnoodles on people's heads in his posts. He just posts a lot so it seems like a lot of people are doing that (although a few days ago other people actually also did this but with different noodles)

Do you go to magic shows and tell people how the tricks work? I didn’t want to understand it because I enjoy not understanding it.

There I made you a meme you won't understand to compensate

Yeah in the post I saw before this one you could definitely tell he had erectile dysfunction. I'm glad he found help

I’m just going to leave this here…

That cat suddenly starts a dog hate group

Party in the back, and fuckmashitup in the front, sides, back, and insides.

First Trump, then Milei and now this guy. Politics is really turning into some sort of performance art.

Geert Wilders had been looking stupid for ages too.

yea he was in my mind too but was lazy to look up his name. I guess we should also add Boris Johnson to the list. Erdoğan is also a great performer but he acts exclusively in Turkish so he is not as famous.

Just buzz the fucking thing off my god You clearly own a pair of clippers.

I don't think that mustache is a good look for Sia.

haha I had to go back and look, I never even SAW the damned split-stache, that thing is stealthy compared to the hairlmet he's rockin

All y'all ripping on bro 😭

I'm wondering about his policies 🤔

I'm guessing mandatory church, mandatory home schooling until 28, mandatory marriages arranged by the minister of cousinfuckin' er, inter-breeding control.

Thats definitely a wig.?

a wig he purchased but clipped it so nicely so you might not know?

I'm guessing parochial / religious zealot but ymmv