Trump Denied Immunity in DC Election Case by Appeals Court to – 464 points –

Got some pot on you? Straight to jail. Try to overthrow the government? See you in 3+ years where you MIGHT get a slap on the wrist but also might get to be president again.

Only if you try to overthrow the government for the Federalists. If you try to overthrow it in the name of progress, you'll be a spending the rest of your life in a very uncomfortable prison.

While you're almost certainly right... this is your response to what should be a tiny bit of good news? Maybe it's time for a break from the news?

I mean, what would you have done if they had ruled in favor of immunity instead of denying it??

As for me, I'll take the w here.

I kinda get your point, but also If you watch enough news you realize there is no W here. It's all meaningless because Trump owns SCOTUS and they have the final say.

EDIT: No, SCOTUS isn't beholden to Trump but electing him is in their interests.

EDIT2: Well I certainly hope yall are right and they won't let him on the ballot but I'm not holding my breath.

They've ruled against him a lot. They could have thrown a huge wrench into the election by allowing Texas to sue PA, buy they didn't it. If he owned it, it would go the other way.

lol be more wrong, my man

SCOTUS is laden with Federalist Society conservative wackjobs, but they (aside from Thomas and Alito a bit) have zero love for Trump. They're more than happy to side with him when it serves long-term conservative principles and aims, but that have demonstrated zero hesitation when his policies and pleadings don't align with their own.

But him winning the presidency does align with their goals. So yeah, saying he owns them is wrong, but it's how they're gonna vote.

Except the Trump presidency does coincide with their aims. Trump would Usher in the greatest destruction of the federal government in US history. He's the federalist society's dream. He has no morals or Scruples he does whatever his advisors tell him and his advisors are from the Federalist Society.

They’re killing Chevron without him. Maybe read something instead of harvesting takes from YouTube and Twitter, my dude.

Damn paywalls...

Short article though:

Donald Trump can be prosecuted for trying to overturn the 2020 US election, a federal appeals court ruled, rejecting his claim of immunity and moving him closer to trial before November’s presidential vote as he seeks to return to the White House. The decision by a three-judge panel with the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit marks a watershed moment in the historic prosecution of Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith on criminal charges of conspiring to reverse his loss in the last election and remain in power. Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, may be the first major party candidate to stand trial for criminal actions while campaigning for the presidency.

It’s a foregone conclusion that Trump is going to win the Republican nomination. The nightmare scenario for the republicans has to be Trump going in as the nominee and then being found guilty of a felony charge. It won’t bleed off the Trumpists, but it certainly might make the never-Bidens stay home rather than voting for the guy.

Trump has until Feb. 12 to appeal ruling to Supreme Court

Where his hand picked pack of fascist court majority will reverse the appeals court decision.

Will they though? It's a dangerous precedent to set and would let Biden make use of the same immunity (not that he's likely to use the opportunity..)

1 more...
1 more...

Chutkan had to reschedule the trial, so they got the delay they were looking for and can now make the obvious judgement that could have been made weeks ago.

Jack Smith is so fucked, I feel bad for the poor guy. He's like Grimes trying to protect us from Homer.

Likely prosecution roadmap. Trump is going to die in Federal custody.

Bet he never spends a day in custody. He’ll either 1) litigate it all till he dies, 2) become dictator, or 3) flee to Russia.

He really shouldn't be able to run for President after his actions. Good on the courts here.

Oh really? I hadn't heard.

It's almost as if the attempted overthrow of the United States government by the president at the time is a big fucking deal and any developments in the related court cases are worthy of being national news.

International news. I’d want to hear if Emmanuel Macron were to pull that shit and I’d want updates as it progressed

I was pointing out that he submitted the same story to the same news community twice in an hour, and to the same politics community twice in one hour. That's just spamming. No this is not a white supremacist dog whistle sealion keanu chungus buzzword etc, I'm not a trump supporter, don't even come at me with that.