Why are people posting sinks on the syncforlemmy community ?

x4740N@lemmy.world to Out of the loop@lemmy.world – 80 points –

Today I opened up lemmy and noticed a bunch of posts about sinks on that community


I'd assume it's a running joke

SyncForLemmy --> Sink for Lemmy

Ah just checked, maybe it's because the mods haven't checked in with the community in a while and it's a joke about being abandoned. From what I remember, even on Reddit the dev would disappear for some time and then come back with a big update?

If they ARE gone, there are a lot of Lemmy apps available that are receiving regular updates. Boost, Connect, and Eternity might be a similar feeling to Sync

> receiving regular updates
> Eternity

Two different things.

I haven't tried Eternity in a while, but I understand there are nightly builds you could be using/helping test for faster updates.

They're not gone, they just take regular breaks for months at a time.

Just about the same thing IMO. This app has ads you need to pay to remove, essentially making it a paid app. The dev(s) should not disappear for months at a time and not expect to be called out for the cash grab.

I used sync since it's inception on Reddit and it's still my favourite, I've tried 5 different apps for Lemmy but Sync is still my preference. I haven't paid to block ads but I don't get ads anyway so I just get a panel of empty space in it's place.

The app is missing a few QoL features however. It's basically a carbon copy of how it was for Reddit this time last year with all the Lemmy unique functions being on the backend. I also don't expect the dev to return purely because their revenue from the app must be 1000 times smaller than it was from Reddit and they're probably having to adjust to a very different financial lifestyle. However, despite the monetisation, I do respect the Dev as when they're active, basically every rational request gets implemented, and you really get the sense that they enjoithe problem solving of making our ideas work.

Eh it's a contract... If the customers are ok with this, there's no foul.

They're obviously not ok with this, which is why their community is posting the sinks memes. The app currently has a bunch of issues reading thru the posts in their community, so it's fair that they're up in arms about this.

The main perpetrator can't get redgifs to load inside the app, presumably because of some change on the redgifs side. In a fit of sexual frustration, they are trying to bring attention to this bug by spamming the sub.

lol coward wouldn't post the gif earlier, let's see what couldn't wait, unleash the link

No redgif works, and it has been this for a very long time. Usually you could visit the site, but it is tedious. Now you get an info that sync is doing embedding wrong, so redgifs isn't sending any content.

Because that's the limit of their creativity. Sync=sink

Step one is to start simple but outside the box.

Aww, I was hoping it was some sort of mass migration from Xitter where they made fun of Elmo's dumb "Let that sink in" joke. (As in letting the sink and everyone attached into their instance).

I need a sink for my mid-century bathroom and they're helping me out with suggestions.

They're seriously posting some pretty awesome sink designs over there. I like this nautilus one

And as you can see at the bottom of that screenshot, the post is no longer available, because as of this moment, all of those sink posts have been removed. Apparently the moderators have woken up.

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Just put in an extra toilet. Super efficient, has plenty of water in it.

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