FBI hunts for suspected Iranian assassin targeting Trump-era officials | Semafor

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 86 points –
FBI hunts for suspected Iranian assassin targeting Trump-era officials | Semafor

So . . . an Iranian assassin is doing more to save democracy than the FBI?

Seriously, this is a messed up timeline.

Lmao. I'll leave it at that to avoid being put on a watch list

My dude, this guy is just the patsy. The Lee Harvey Oswald to the man on the grassy knoll.

My man looks like he could target some Cool Ranch Doritos with some onion dip.

He's got "you can't park that here" energy

(Pushes up glasses) “the length of your lawn is in clear violation of condo HOA bylaws”

Never thought I'd root for an Iranian assassin, but I kinda hope he gets Pompeo before he gets nabbed.

We don't need a bunch of martyrs. Those fuckers should be in prison.

You would need a functioning judicial system for that to happen.

No one believes being a "martyr" means a damn thing.

Huh? Throughout history martyrs have been very impactful catalysts and rallying crys.

IIRC Trump said he likes people who weren't captured.

Wonder if shithead even knows? In his dementia riddled mush-mind he thinks he's campaigning against Obama and can barely say Argentina.

Neurosyphillis hits hard

Family history of Alzheimer’s, at his age he’s already gonna be pretty far along in the progression, but probably won’t get diagnosed until it’s too late and probably 5-6 years before he dies, like what happened with his father.

Why would he? Doritos man is always "What have you done for me LATELY?"

He was willing to watch his Vice President die.

Though I normally wouldn’t approve of a scapegoat taking the fall for trump’s machismo blunders, I have no problem with Pompeo paying for this one.

I doubt the iranians want to assassinate trump era officials for the same reason that the allies didn't want to assassinate hitler - you want your enemies' idiots left alive.

I don't know much about American politics but why do you want the opposition to be assassinated? Isn't that not good for democracy?

This article is about an Iranian person who is believed to be targeting American politicians. The ‘why’ is speculated to be retribution for the American assassination of Solemani. I seriously doubt that Iran cares much about how good it is for American democracy.

I apologise for not being clear but I was referring to the comment section cheering at the post.