Yuzu Nintendo Switch Emulator Lives On With The Nuzu, Suyu Projects

ardi60@reddthat.com to Technology@lemmy.ml – 142 points –
Yuzu Nintendo Switch Emulator Lives On With The Nuzu, Suyu Projects

Most of these forks are going nowhere, Nuzu is run by an "almost 15" year old kid, probably trying to cash in on a Patreon he set up

Edit: Suyu owner pirates games on reddit, yeah these aren't serious efforts lol

Not surprising, repo wars always have their fair share of people that promote their fork and then disappear

Yup, check back in 6 months or so to find the true successor. It'll happen, it just needs time. Or maybe people will rally around ryujinx instead.

wow, they "killed" an open source project.... did they really think it was that easy?

I mean they also got 2.4 mil and they can continue collecting them from new projects

That's on paper. It's extremely unlikely that they set an LLC with millions of dollars in assets. The reason they set up the LLC was that if they got sued they could settle for any amount, knowing that they would just declare bankruptcy and pay nothing except their legal fees (which, having settled immediately, are very low)

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Yeah it kinda is. You can fork projects all day but assembling a team of intelligent and motivated individuals to actually maintain the project is a whole other problem. Add to that the fear of litigation and multi-million dollar lawsuits and I'd say Switch emulation will be all but dead in the near future.

The main developers won't be touching it. That's a pretty big deal since they were the lifeblood of the project.

Potentially recoverable, but still a big deal.

Second. There's no chance that a "reputable" site. Like GitHub, gitlab, etc will be hosting any of these projects for long. That's significant too.


Projects like this should be self-hosted & encourage contributors to set up their own self-hosted mirrors to make sure the code is both distributed & decentralized which users/makers have full control over their platform.

It possibly seeing a legal precedent is the scary part.

Settling out of court is not setting a legal precedent

And that's probably why Yuzu didn't stand up to Nintendo. They probably had enough areas for Nintendo to attack that fighting it could leave the emulator community worse off if it goes to trial. Why risk the money to fight something unless you're sure you can win?

Maybe. My guess is they just didn't want to go through the trouble, since it would have been a long war.

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Suyu, as in "Sue you"?

Just like Apple’s “Sosumi” sound back in the day

Wouldn't have "Sume" been better than "Suyu"?

Doubt it. Sume (pronounced sue-may) has little ring to it. Suyu sounds like "Nintendo will sue you".

Any word on a Citra replacement? I remember a while back I tried to look for an alternative just for compatibility for certain games and I couldn't find much. It seemed like Citra was the only good option for actually playing games. When you add in that the 3DS is no longer sold or supported, plus the hardware gimmicks that led to most games being exclusive to that platform, and also the sheer discomfort my adult hands experience trying to hold such a small device, I'd really much rather play those games on the Deck or with a controller.

The Switch is still young. It's Nintendo's active console so they're dedicating more security and legal resources to protecting it, but I'm sure that will be reduced after the Switch 2 launches. RyuJinx is still a solid option, and when you add these various forks I'm sure emulation will be in a good spot in time.

All Nintendo accomplished is spreading the Yuzu source code across the Internet