Trump requests to postpone the trial for payments to actress Stormy Daniels until the Court resolves on his presidential immunity to politics – 125 points –
Trump requests to postpone the trial for payments to actress Stormy Daniels until the Court resolves on his presidential immunity

Someone needs to remind him he wasn't President then.

And even if he was, would someone explain how paying hush money to keep an extra marital affair quiet falls under the classification of presidential acts and duties?

because these clowns are arguing “anything someone has done or will do becomes a presidential act, if they become president. and if you have been president nothing you ever do is illegal”

To be fair, he thought he had to do it to be president, so isn’t it basically a duty?


I hope the judge reminds his legal team of this.

Oh fuck you, just pay the woman you despicable dick.

She was already paid. This trial is about campaign finance fraud... Where he illegally used campaign funds for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels with whom he was engaging in... Use your imagination.

He’s so busy stiffing people right and left, it’s hard to know when he actually did pay anyone.

Very rarely. That's how he has at least kept, if not increased, the fortune he inherited.

His entire adult life is a story of payments to people, usually workers and contractors that did work on "his" buildings, being avoided.

He's afraid of his small ass dick being discussed in a court of law.

And maybe discussion of it being nonconsensual

If i recall correctly, she said they had been flirty at some point, and she basically came into a room after he had suddenly stripped naked and she was basically like "well, might as well."

So not forced, but definitely not enthusiastic.