Israel says it is trying to 'flood' Gaza with aid to Not The – 167 points –
Israel says it is trying to 'flood' Gaza with aid

This is like Mars Attacks when they're walking around with the translator saying "we come in peace" while blasting the shit out of every human they find.

Since February 9, the average number of trucks that entered Gaza daily was about 55, compared with 500 that used to enter before the start of the conflict, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Source

They're trying so hard guys

A lot of those trucks are trying to enter through Egypt, not Israel.

Indeed so why does israel assume control over it?

Rafah Border Crossing

Egypt controls the crossing but imports through the Rafah crossing require Israeli approval

4 - Lies

3 - Damn dirty lies

2 - Statistics

1 - Israel saying it's trying to flood Gaza with aid

Missed the end of the headline

Israel says it is trying to flood Gaza with aid from hydro engineers and a Dam Busters documentary

Yeah sure, they are deffo trying to flood so much aid by rejecting most of the aid that’s trying to come to the country. Absolutely not an attempt to commit genocide to the Palestinian ppl whatsoever.

This has very "I have tons of black friends" vibes.

"Aid" means "Bombs" in Hebrew. Hope that clears it up