Forget the paycheck, employees really want a raise in emotional salary to – -64 points –

But also an actual raise.


We just got you pizza for Black Friday when we mandated everyone be in office for no reason!

And you're already complaining again?


Can't pay rent with an emotional salary!

Who the hell is writing these?!

"Of course, livable wages are critical for all individuals, but once reasonable compensation is established, emotional salary can outweigh base salary when it comes to engaging and retaining top talent."

I think this article is explaining why someone making 100k still jumps ship.

If this was the case, then why do Boards of Directors and in general the C-Suite, constantly, and I mean constantly increase their pay and dividends to keep things "competitive?" Nevermind that half these boards are made up from... people on other boards. It's literally a group of assholes patting each other on the back and finding any old excuse to increase each others payouts at the expense of the company.

When they finally start applying this "logic" to the CEO class, I'll start giving a fucking shit about the argument.

I don't think the people in the c-suite are being treated badly very often. If they are I suspect they jump ship.

Holy shit, what a "HR" style take. People want improved cash to effort ratios, far and away above anything in this article. More cash, more or better benefits, more time off, more efficient work with the same output expectations, WFH, shorter days, shorter weeks. But all that costs the company, so instead we get these stupid things that largely cause even more wasted time at work, causing more effort to get your same output and getting an even lower value of what people care about.

Am HR and support this.

As Managment? I gotta say, you want a better work place…

Join a union.

That goes for both issues- but really, nobody is asking for emotional support hugs. They’re asking for more money. (And yeah, they deserve it. I’d give them even more if it was my decision;)

The average worker is much more productive now than even just 75 years ago (to the tune of almost 3.5x). Yet once you hit the 1980's wages stop growing alongside productivity. From 1979-2022 productivity rose 4.4x faster than wages. People aren't struggling because their boss doesn't hug them - they're trying to get paid what they're worth. There's nothing wrong with compassion and support in the workplace, but the primary source of emotional wellbeing for most people is going to be a healthy, happy home and food/residence/utilities/etc security.

Emotional salary is the nonmonetary compensation...

...all meaningfull perks extra cash cant replicate.

We are at a point where it is almost comical.

Everything is thrown into the ring except higher wages in a desperate effort to uphold shareholder profits high and growth, while simultaniously keeping an ever more disgruntled workforce in line. People are told to cut back more and more, while you read headlines about record company profits next to ones about massive ammounts of workers being fired.

The only good thing about it is the increasing dissolution of "work and company ethics" it causes.

Workers of the World unite, the world stands still at our will!

Imagine if the workers stopped arguing over petty differences and started uniting against the corporate overlords.

What’s total crock of shit. As soon as they mention worker engagement, I knew it was garbage. Fuck your engagement. Pay me, and stop fucking me over by cutting my benefits. Emotional salary raise, what a bunch of assholes.

Sure, Hannah Yardley. In lieu of a raise next year, you get a badge that says "Well done!" I'm sure the author would be perfectly fine with that.

I wouldn't need a raise if all my bills and basic living expenses were covered...

While I agree that very very few companies recognize emotional labor, if we’re all going to be forced to work insane hours and put forth an immense amount of effort while doing so, we should be fairly compensated for it. The vast majority of companies fail to realize that it’s not one or the other, but BOTH.

Lol I have friends and family for my emotional wellbeing. Just give me a good working environment, competent coworkers and management and an actually fair wage.