Public has no right to swim in sea, claims firm that dumped sewage at bathing spot to Not The – 417 points –
Public has no right to swim in sea, claims firm that dumped sewage at bathing spot

Nooooo, trust me, you don't need regulations, haha. We're good people who would never do anything bad, promise. Why do we want those regulations gone? Just because you don't need them, that's all, I promise.

Look, nobody ever said you should be able to drink or bath with tap water...

The only rational response to that is to spray pig manure all over the board's homes.

Interesting, cause I was thinking jail time.

(guillotine emoji)

Hmm... In the absence of one...

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ« πŸͺ“πŸ§ΊπŸ‡«πŸ‡·

As a French I shall validate this emoji use

I love it when a redistribution of illegally obtained wealth comes together

England is becoming an autocratic hellhole. The massive amount of poverty that has befallen the country leaves only room for more corruption.

And as you see, the common man has to step aside so that daddy Warbucks can abuse natural resources in "this green and pleasant land"... which it won't be for long...

If only we could point to one party over an other as a culprit in this but alas they're both exactly the same. mmmmm. Yes.'s the fucking Tories. I know you're being sarcastic, but still.

That labour is unelectable is because they need a reform to fit the new situation rather than believing they still live in 2001. But between the two? The Tories are the ones who threw England into the gutter. Undeniably.

Labour will blame the Tories, the Tories will blame immigrant workers, sectors will fall, people become poorer and the Tories slap a big ol' "mission accomplished" banner up.

Monarchists wondering why no one will stand up for the little guy πŸ€”

Eh, no. It's the Tories and their stupid, corrupt plan.

It's the "liberal market" gone wild (extra heavy quotations around "liberal"), via the trojan horse that was their brand of nationalistic, xenophobic protectionism, which tanked many businesses because they suffered massive brain drain and gave allowances to special friends of MP's b'cus br'ih'ish, proving this horse called BREXIT was really just a way to avoid EU regulation, to gams UK economy by giving sharks and rat faced bastards the keys to the economy, which really just resulted in making every sector of industry in England alone a rechid hive of scum and villainy. No lie, throw a rock at any given UK market, and you just threw a rock into a shit tornado. The big idea? The OG intent? Usurp Switzerland as the new tax haven, to make London City great again - but instead, they just ground pounded British economy.

Like to underline the severity, I don't think this is applicable everywhere, but England needs to decomodify a whole crapton of properties, because having blocks upon blocks standing empty for over decades due to "investors" sitting on it for its overpriced, projected liquidity, while homelessness is on the rise, is not a good look. We might see the return of hobbles and urchins in our lifetime. Crime will increase with poverty, and England itself might slowly turn into Victorian cyber dystopia when they finally have to "DEAL WITH THE CRIME RATES". Can't wait for that little smorgus board of human rights violations.

Additionally, judging by the various other "monarchies* in the world, including Norway, Sweden and Denmark, which are constitutional monarchies, they sure do cost a fair deal of money, but think of them more as the nations top soap opera. It's basically state sanctioned idols, and unless they've got a lot of power, is as harmless as The Kardasian's... who are just privatised royalty if you ask me.

That is to say, we have exceptions, like the Franco's, the Philippino and Thai monarchies, the various African monarchies (tho not all? Not sure here), etc. But again, it's not the hard and fast rule you think it is.

Here's where my concern lies: if you get angry when you hear "monarchy", ambivalent when you hear "aristocracy" and go "huh" like that meme cat when you hear "the clergy", I think you might need to rethink your perception of governance and power structures.

In this case, the British people have to finally kill off their aristocracy and be aware that the Tories are literally enabling an oligarchy run by a bunch of pinheads and needledicks who think they can "save the kingdom", if only you cut more taxes and threw out more immigrant labour... WHICH IS WHAT CAUSED THE FUCKING PROBLEM TO BEGIN WITH!!!

Tories are trash, human garbage, and I don't care who has to hear it.

BREXIT problems. Oh well, the dipshit nationalists won the vote and now they're wondering why the UK is falling apart.

Aren't a huge number of them dead already? Could have sworn I'd seen an article about it at some point...